Hi Lisa :)

I am absolutely in LOVE with this enzyme & I am here to beg you to keep this as a regularly available product!!! NOTHING works like it to soften skin, especially on acneic skin...it makes extractions a dream! Also, on mature skin, as soon as I begint he facial massage I can feel the difference it as made! The skin is SO soft, it feels like velvet! Clients love the slight tightening sensation and the feedback I am receiving about the warming effect is that is comfortable and feels really nice. I have yet to use it on myself (just been so busy with work, yay!) but I am anxious to try it. It smells so wonderful too :) As always, thanks for creating such great products and if you would, please consider keeping it around?  :)




Also, idk if you saw on the FB page, but i am coming to your area in Feb (like 2 days before you leave for FL) and I want to come visit you :)

Views: 423

Replies to This Discussion

Just received mine yesterday....can't wait to use it!

Are you using it with steam? I havent used it yet, but will today!

no steam :)

Just got mine too, cant wait to use it!!

Ann - thanks for your comments on this enzyme.  That's the feedback I'm receiving is that it is working great on acne.  I honestly did not think about marketing this as an acne treatment, but it makes sense that when we create heat in the dermis, it will kill bacteria.  Honestly, I was thinking heat for building collagen and that's how I marketed it.

I have had a huge request for keeping this enzyme.  This is a tough call for me as I have to manage my inventory levels to keep everything fresh.  Let me think about it.  I could re-release it later in the year also.

Yes, please come visit us!!!  We plan on flying to Orlando on February 24 - will you be here prior to that?

A re-release would be a pretty good idea for keeping everything fresh & potent :)


I am flying out on Feb 21 and staying in Scottsdale that night and then off to Sedona on Wed, so if its ok with you, I would like to visit when I get in town on Tuesday sometime early afternoon? Our flight leaves Milwaukee at 7:50am Central time.

Hum, we leave February 24 for Orlando.  We then go directly to Atlanta, GA and then to Chicago, IL so we won't be back in the office until March 6.  I would hate to miss you while you are in town!  You are gong to love Scottsdale and Sedona.

well then for sure I will come in on Tues 21st when I get there...opportunities like this don't happen too often & I dont want to miss out on meeting you either. I am SO excited about Sedona! I have been to Scottsdale before years ago, but Sedona is on my bucket list :)


Great!  You're on my calendar!  I was ready to change my flights so I wouldn't miss you.

SO happy this is working out :)

I can't believe I missed this enzyme.  Got so busy and forgot to order.  Please, please re-release.  I have several teenagers and adults suffering with acne and this product would benefit them greatly from what I'm readying here.  I did get the Christmas Enzyme and my clients loved it!

Nice to hear feedback! 

I decided not to get this one - I have so many enzymes already and I didn't do so well with my Harvest/Fall promotions.


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