Hi Lisa :)

I am absolutely in LOVE with this enzyme & I am here to beg you to keep this as a regularly available product!!! NOTHING works like it to soften skin, especially on acneic skin...it makes extractions a dream! Also, on mature skin, as soon as I begint he facial massage I can feel the difference it as made! The skin is SO soft, it feels like velvet! Clients love the slight tightening sensation and the feedback I am receiving about the warming effect is that is comfortable and feels really nice. I have yet to use it on myself (just been so busy with work, yay!) but I am anxious to try it. It smells so wonderful too :) As always, thanks for creating such great products and if you would, please consider keeping it around?  :)




Also, idk if you saw on the FB page, but i am coming to your area in Feb (like 2 days before you leave for FL) and I want to come visit you :)

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I love having a selection of enzymes! Clients needs and moods (mine too) are easily met and the results are always outstanding! When I feel the fresh, soft slip under my fingers and see the oxygenated coloring of my clients skin, I am thrilled because I know they are getting the results they came to me for! As far as promotions, start early in contacting clients about them, describing the ingredients and results! Feb. will be exciting to introduce the Passion fruit and Chocolate. Can't Wait!

Love this enzyme and so do my clients. The awesome smell is over the top Lisa!!!

I used the passion fruit enzyme on a client the other day that has been coming to me for 24 years. When I put it on she couldn't stop talking about how good it smelled and then after I took it off she said "this is the best product you've ever used on me, I love it". WhooHoo to Lisa!

Yes, this it the feedback I am getting from the Passionfruit.  I think I must find a way to bring that one back to the shelf.  Thanks for your feedback on this one!!!!


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