Hi, I have a client with dry, mature skin. She takes good care of her skin and is aware of what her skin needs in the way of moisturizer. She purchased the Peptide Restoration Moisturizer and uses it in the morning. The only problem she is having is that when she goes to put her foundation on, the moisturizer starts rolling. What do you suggest I tell her to keep this from happening?

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Hi Brenda, 

A couple of things come to my mind 1. She may be using a little to much of the cream or 2. She needs to let it absorb into the skin a few minutes first. I'm thinking more that she needs to let it absorb into the skin longer . 

Love that moisturizer I have dry skin . I haven't had that problem tho. Hope this helps :)

Thanks, Cheryl. I did tell her to wait a bit to let the moisterizer absorb into her skin, but she was still having problems. I will tell her to try and not use as much product.

A couple of things off the top of my head...

- I like to have clients put their serums and moisturizer after using the Cucumber Hydrating Mist.

The "water" and HA seems to really help with absorption. Sunscreen on top.

- I am thinking too much product too....pea-size or less is what I suggest. Some of these ladies are used to slathering on their oil of olay.

- Sunscreen - find out what she is using. I had a problem with an over the count product "balling up" like she describes

- What kind of foundation? is it powder or liquid to powder? ( it probably doesn't matter because I would go back to too much product)

- Is she on any exfoliating products? Did she have a peel or even a facial recently. Some of my mature clients have tons of dead skin build-up, and it may take awhile to shed this off.( I would much rather work with people that get regular facials.) I was shedding for several days after the TCA peel. For any peel I always give my spiel on possible residual micro-peeling and what that would look like.

"try" to use less, Brenda?

do..or do not...there is not try (Yoda).

She is wasting product if using more than pea-size.

I will tell her "not to use as much product, only a pea size amount". I didn't know that about the Cucumber Hydrating Mist helping it to absorb. And yes, she does need to have a good exfoilation. Thank you, Cindy.

Maybe a good opportunity to suggest a peel or a boosted lemon enzyme.

When skin is properly exfoliated then her products will also be much more effective instead of just sitting on top of all that "gunk".

I hope that she sticks with you and listens to your suggestions!


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