I've been doing an express facial for $25. When I add in a boost of glycolic or latic should I charge more?

These ladies are coming in for a series of 6.

What other special treatment could I give them besides the arm/hand massage?

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Hi Tracy - I will see what our other members have to say.  I don't like to get too involved when it comes to pricing as each person is unique in their experience, economic climate of their city, their setting (med spa vs. independent), etc.

Hi Tracy,

Even in a series of six and for an express I think your pricing is too low to begin with.

My basic facial is $70 and a peel add-on is $25.

When I feel like it I will have a special at $60 or $65...sometimes it is with a light peel or booster

I only do an express facial as an add-on to another service and that is $40...enzyme exfoliation.

And my pricing is low for the area (not counting franchises)

But for an introductory price or "special" you could probably get away with it this ONE time.

In a series I would like to see you charge at least $10 more and for a peel or boost at least $20 more.

Yes - charge more...when you use MORE products, YOUR cost of treatment is higher, so charge accordingly.



I thought I read that if we are doing a series of peels that $25 wouldn't be a bad price since it only takes between 20-30 minutes depending on how fast we move. Did I understand that wrong?

In a series I would like to see you charge at least $10 more and for a peel or boost at least $20 more

So your saying charge $35 for the express peel and if I add in a boost $20 more? 

You guys are probably going to croak with my special that I'm just running.

I bumped up the express facial peel for $30 

Special for month of may $45 and if they want to boost the peel it would be $15 extra?

I'm up against a med spa and the salon I'm with has not had an Esty for years, so I'm trying to draw clients in with the specials and I'm hoping to upsell with other treatments etc..

Does this sound terribly low?

We are going to be hosting a monthly ed class. We are getting that together this week, so if any of you   have some ideas I'd love to hear them. 

I think if you are not doing a full facial then your pricing is fine.  Cleanse, peel, moisturize sunblock.  Is that what you were thinking?

Right now I have my basic facial price, $45 or $65 and then peel add on is $25.  They always start with the base and add the price, but I am thinking that might now be the right thinking and if they literally come in for a 15 min treatment where I am just doing those 4 steps then the $25 is probably fine.  i would always start them out with a full facial, hour treatment and then if tey come in weekly the 15 min treatments are fine.  Hey I shoudl take my own advice huh!!!  LOL

Thank you ladies. I've been doing some research and I'm so excited for this. I;ll post some pictures if I can figure out how. We are still decorating and creating an ambiance for the customers. Its all coming together. Sheila you have been so very helpful as have all you ladies. 

So do you think an extra $15 for the boost is to much, to little.....?

If I add in a neck treatment would $15 sound right?

I guess it depends on how much you are boosting it.  Think about what you would charge regular price for the peel, $25, and think about how much product you use for that one peel.  I would say $10 to $15 for a few drops of a peel boost is probably fine.  I just did a quick internet search Tracy...facials with peel booster and checked out a few random spas.  I think your pricing sounds right.

glad to hear It. It's been so hard for me to set prices etc... especially for our area and the competition etc..plus to draw people in

Tracy:  In regards to your question about hosting a monthly ed class, I would like to comment.  This week I'm reading the book "To Sell Is Human...in 30 minutes, by Daniel H. Pink".  When I started Skin Script I thought I needed to hire a sales trainer to teach me how to sell.  The person I had in mind to teach me sales, she fizzled out.  I ended up relying on my own personality, which is education ... free education.  Fast forward 5 years ... and I'm reading this book.  The bottom line of the book is that hard core sales don't work any longer because buyers have the power of the internet to be consumer savvy.  They know quite a bit about skin care when they walk in the door.  What the este needs to do is educate, advise, offer an opinion that still allows the consumer an opinion.  It's an interesting book that made me think about your monthly ed class; I think you will win consumers over by your education and passion, rather than sales technique.  Best wishes.

The bottom line of the book is that hard core sales don't work any longer because buyers have the power of the internet to be consumer savvy.  They know quite a bit about skin care when they walk in the door

I know that's true. Years ago I visited 3 different med spas for help with my skin issues and all they could do was try to sell me their products which only aggravated my skin even more and aged me even further. That is why I love to research and ask a lot of questions from people who are more experienced then myself and respect their advice etc.  That's why I love this forum. You ladies have been so supportive and helpful. I still feel like I'm such a novice but really desire to learn and be one of the best in my field and in my region.

I forget where I read this, but it was on some skincare site and they recommended having specialists come in to your place of business to educate and don't do any advertising for your products etc.... but just be known as someone who cares about women, their health, etc... 

I'm thinking of bio-identical hormones I love these and have an amazing educator who is willing to come to our place etc..I've read up a lot and take them so have personal experience with these and would love other ladies to hear of the benefits etc...

I'm going to look up the book you recommended. It sounds very interesting and true

I agree with Lisa sometimes its hard to judge prices based on where you are and such. To encourage series of treatments I like to do a fun promotion first to jump start it.  Tonight I'm having a peel event "Pumpkin Peel" for $15 with 20% off of in-stock products.  It takes me 10 minutes per client, so it's nots much time, nor product.  I cleanse, peel, moisturize.  During the 10 minutes I'm talking to clients about how they take care of their skin..etc.  Then I can help make a plan with them put a special package together including product and give an overall discount for their series.  I also don't require full payment up front, I allow them to make payments each time they come in. Now with that said they do pay at least enough to cover products they purchase.  This way they don't feel like they are spending so much all at once so it makes it affordable. 

Hope that helps!

Did you do really well with this promotion? I really like your idea!!!!


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