I have a 23 year old female. Heavy congestion on cheeks. Did the blueberry on her the other day with the dermafile prior to enzyme. Extractions came out great. I believe congestion is brought on by makeup and digestive issues. I see her again in 2 weeks. Thoughts on where to go next? Cranberry turnover, dermafile, or glycolic? Thoughts.

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I like a series of glycolic peels with a very light dermafile on top of the glycolic (ensure you have plenty of slippage so you aren't tugging at the skin).  I would do 6 treatments, one week apart.  They should be mini 20 minute treatments.  Or, you could continue to do your blueberry enzyme with the dermafile also (if its working, keep it up).

For homecare, ensure she has green tea cleanser (primary cleanser), glycolic cleanser and retinol scrub used 2-5 times per week (adjust usage based on tolerance), cucumber toner, ageless hydrating serum, appropriate moisturizer and spf.

I agree with you that her makeup and digestive issues can be the culprit.

I use the cranberry turnover peel on my clients with breakouts. I put get them on a series of six. Works great! Interested to see if anyone feels the Dermafile is good for someone really broken out. I just started using the Dermafiles, and did not know if it was recommended.
I was thinking this. She has all closed comedones. Last treatment I did great extractions and now needing to content this and work on overall texture.
Not content...meant to say continue.
Well, if the comedones are closed, I would think the Dermafile would be great for that. I used it this weekend on a client with blackheads. Some actually got loose from it. I was thrilled.



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