Have any of you tried Skin Script's 8-week TCA protocol for pigmentation?  I've had this protocol for 2 years, but I find that estheticians are nervous when using TCA and haven't had a lot of feedback about this product until the past few months.

This protocol is designed to work specifically on pigmentation issues (melasma and hyperpigmentation), but also works very well on acne and aging clients.

I made this TCA for specifically for Fitzpatricks 4-6, but it can be used on anyone (except sensitive and rosacea).  It's highly buffered with Azaleic, Kojic and Arbutin.  The TCA simply acts as a carrier to carry the natural lighteners to the melanocyte.  When you apply the TCA it generally will NOT frost and the tingle sensation is around a 2.  Estheticians will call me and claim it is defective because it's not burning!  I don't want it to burn; I want it to gently exfoliate the skin and carry the lighteners to the melanocyte.

The feedback has been tremendous on this protocol.  Great results, even after 4 weeks, and it has minimal to no downtime.  Here are the steps:

1)  Week 1: Consultation and get your client on homecare.

2)  Week 2: Glycolic Peel

3)  Week 3: Lactic Peel

4)  Week 4:  2 Layers of the TCA

5)  Weeks 5-7:  Let the skin rest

6)  Week 8:  4-6 Layers of the TCA

I'd love to hear your feedback on this peel.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Lisa!

I am going to start this protocol em January with my clients. I have some clients at evening time like 6 and 7pm the last one. If you say leave it (TCA) on the skin and tell the client to remove at bed time....In these cases 6 and 7pm treatment, would they sleep over and wash their faces in the morning? What do you recommend ? Thanks :)

Hi Carla:

I do love this protocol; keep me updated on your progress.  Are they doing the homecare as well?

If I perform the peel in the evening, then yes, I do have them sleep in the peel as long as they aren't experiencing any irritation.

Let me know how it goes.


Yes, they will start after the holidays the home care regime and after a week start the protocol. I will tell them to stop by the office for a patch first just to make sure will not get irritated when they start the treatment and sleep in the peel. Yes, for sure I will let you know how it goes. :) Thanks again.


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