Have any of you tried Skin Script's 8-week TCA protocol for pigmentation?  I've had this protocol for 2 years, but I find that estheticians are nervous when using TCA and haven't had a lot of feedback about this product until the past few months.

This protocol is designed to work specifically on pigmentation issues (melasma and hyperpigmentation), but also works very well on acne and aging clients.

I made this TCA for specifically for Fitzpatricks 4-6, but it can be used on anyone (except sensitive and rosacea).  It's highly buffered with Azaleic, Kojic and Arbutin.  The TCA simply acts as a carrier to carry the natural lighteners to the melanocyte.  When you apply the TCA it generally will NOT frost and the tingle sensation is around a 2.  Estheticians will call me and claim it is defective because it's not burning!  I don't want it to burn; I want it to gently exfoliate the skin and carry the lighteners to the melanocyte.

The feedback has been tremendous on this protocol.  Great results, even after 4 weeks, and it has minimal to no downtime.  Here are the steps:

1)  Week 1: Consultation and get your client on homecare.

2)  Week 2: Glycolic Peel

3)  Week 3: Lactic Peel

4)  Week 4:  2 Layers of the TCA

5)  Weeks 5-7:  Let the skin rest

6)  Week 8:  4-6 Layers of the TCA

I'd love to hear your feedback on this peel.

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Vanessa - I have the dermafiles too. I am still trying to get the hang of them so don't use them in treatment much. I think it's smart to use on yourself to evaluate!

I like doing peels much more than microdermabrasion or dermafiles - and that's because I see no improvement in pigmentation when I use them (i KNOW that they SAY they improve it, but that has not been my experience).  I WILL do a peel and follow with a light "polish" with my diamond microdermabrasion. But I hate doing a stand alone microdermabrasion (even though I ran a special on it last month!)

I agree about mechanical exfoliation - all by itself does not prove much for results.  That's why I like enzymes, peels and mechanical exfoliation (microderm, dermafiles, etc.) all bundled in one treatment.

Cindy, can you do a peel and then microdermabrasion in the same service? I do Love the enzymes as well Thanks 


I think that BOTH Vanessa and I should do this on ourselves and report back...I am more like a Fitz 2!

Okay - on my menu I have the TCA listed at $140 and my regular peels at $90.

I put the higher price in because I actually didn't want anyone to book it just yet...LOL. I may change that pricing if I ever get someone on the maintenance protocol that Lisa outlines above.

I do NOT want to do any peels on people that I don't know - the initial TCA protocol has a lactic and glycolic prior and you can get a better feel for their skin. PLUS I want to control what they are using at home.

Here is part of what I say in the brochure (as well as outlining the 8-wk protocol...my week one starts with enzyme and product) and keep in mind I am still playing with my final pricing...

"Your treatment program includes full sized products for your home care.  These have been selected in order to gain the best results possible from your peels.  Once your program is complete your home care products may be adjusted as needed in order to maintain results.
Your total Investment for the 8 Week Program including Products is $600"

And I think I have about $160 worth of product - I may adjust this to add in the C and Ageless serums...

And Lisa, omg - thanks for the information and explanation on all of my questions. So I know to be careful during the healing portion of the rest phase and to back off on the glycolic and retinol and other treatments for a little bit. 

I am VERY diligent about my sun protection and I don't get a lot of sun or heat exposure - so I don't worry about myself so much as I worry about clients. So I also have this in my brochure

"Sun protection is required during and after your treatment program.  You must wear your sunscreen at all times and make sure that you reapply during the day.
You should avoid extended periods of direct sun exposure.  Overheating and sweating can also exacerbate discoloration and should be avoided during your treatment program."

That's great Cindy, thank you.  Have you done two layers of TCA on yourself yet?  I did it the day before yesterday and it's pretty mild.  Very little tingle but a pretty strong smell.  For me the Pomegranate feels stronger. Now I'm a bit dry and will probably flake soon. Great info on overheating and perspiration, people get comfy and forget about that.  Thanks

Hi Lisa, thank-you for the TCA protocol! I just ordered the TCA, Lactic, Cranberry Turnover as usual the Glycolic!

My client has not been responding as well as I had hoped.  I have seen considerable inprovement in tone, texture, and a more uniform base color but the larger pigmented areas have been much more resistant to the peels and LED. She is also using the home care regimen.  I haven't applied 4-6 layers of TCA on her yet though,  I am concerned with possible reactions.  Any ideas?  Will that many layers give it the boost it needs? 

Hi Lara.  I'm glad to hear it's working well on tone, texture, and base color.  Is she using the glycolic/retinol pads twice per day directly on the pigmentation?  Is sunblock being used appropriately?  Is she staying out of the sun?  Is she on medication such as HRT or birth control that could be affecting her hormones to create the melasma?  Sometimes I meet the client with VERY resilient melasma; the worse case scenario I've had is dark, dark melasma under the eyes.  I lifted approximately 50% of the pigment, but the rest would not budge.  I also could not find the trigger to the melasma as she was not on medication, no sun exposure, etc.  I would proceed with 1-2 layers of the TCA on the entire face, but you could spot treat the darker pigment with 6-8 layers.  I would try that every 3-4 weeks and see if you are getting the results.  If not, give the skin a break from the treatments, and then re-try in a few months.  Possibly stop during the summer months and resume in the fall.  I understand these stubborn cases are very frustating.

I am going to try this on myself once summer is over and I won't be in the sun...I will take some pics of before and after.  Definately have alot of sun damage.  Do I just order the TCA pack for this?

Hi Angela.  I think this is a fabulous series and hope you find the same results once you complete the series.  Yes, you are right to complete it once you are finished with the sun this summer.  To complete the series, I suggest the "Pre-Post Peel Homecare Kit" and also the "Pro-Peel Pack" which contains the Glycolic, Lactic and TCA.  I'd love to see your pictures once you have finished.  :)

Great I will do that!  I really like your products!!  Hoping to get to some training soon on them.

Hi Lisa. Just wondering about a protocol for the super dark under the eyes. Is there a good eye treatment as well to add on to treatments. Those dark circles are so hard to treat. Thanks


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