Hi, just began implementing Skin Scripts into my spa and super excited!

Curious, what protocol you would use for a young teen (13) who has moderate acne.  I have heard the blemish control line works great but what would you use for the enzyme/mask in your professional facial?

Thanks everyone!

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Use the blueberry enzyme with steam. Works well! I also incorporate the ultrasonic spatula for neg. ions and peel.

Hi Shannon:  This is a tough question since I cannot evaluate your teen's skin.  I like the mild acne kit for homecare.  Here's some thoughts.

Tx 1)  Coconut Enzyme/Seaweed mask, spot treat with Cranberry Turnover (our 20% salicylic peel).

Tx 2) Possible Cranberry Turnover all over the face.

Tx 3) Same as tx 1.

Let's start with that and see how the teen progresses.  If improvement is made after these 3 treatments, continue with enzyme work.  If you are seeing only fair improvement, continue with the Cranberry Turnover (20% salicylic) peel.  Keep me updated.

Hi Lisa,

First I want to say, THANK YOU for being so active in this group. I could not be more thrilled that I decided to go with your line for back bar and retail. The customer service and products are amazing!

2nd- I thought it was interesting that you suggested the Coconut enzyme because I find that one to be so mild. I never thought to use it on acneic skin. I always use Blueberry on teens. I'm ok with that, right? It seems I am by the other posts but I got a little nervous by your rec for the coconut. 

Thank you!

I love being here and hearing your comments!  Keep them up.  Sometimes I don't reply when it's not specifically directed to me, because I want to hear other este's comments.  Thanks back to you for commenting!

The reason I lean towards Coconut enzyme sometimes is because young, teenage skin is so fragile in certain cases, so I learn towards Coconut, but yes, you are right, the Blueberry enzyme does wonders.  That small 1% amount of gly and sal does the trick under steam to loosen sebum and digest dead skin.  It's such a tough call when I don't know and see the skin to be able to recommend the exact enzyme.  That's where your expertise comes in.

Thanks for the advice!

So interesting to see this posted , I was actually going to post the same /similar question. One of my clients recently brought her 13 yr old daughter to me with mild/ moderate acne. For her first facial i did not use enzymes on her, but I did recommend the blemish control cleanser, toner pads, aloe moisturizer and spot treatment. I was concerned about her age and the use of the products...maybe too strong for her young skin. She did not have any reactions and her skin looked better when she left.

Hi Sandra - I agree that the young skin is difficult to treat because of the concern of over-exfoliation.  I like your recommendation for homecare.  Have her use the toner pads only 2-3 times per week for concerns of overdrying the skin.  Lara's recommendation on the Blueberry Enzyme is great - it's a 1% gly/1% sal blend in a blueberry enzyme where you can get great results without being too harsh.

When it comes to acneic skin on teens, I tend to think of their over-production of oil during this hormonal time and like the 2% gly/2% sal blend in the mild acne kit that you recommended, but I also look at diet second.  Ensure they are drinking plenty of water and that their diet is in check with plenty of fresh vegetables (and not so much fast food).

There is a great webinar on ASCP site: https://www.ascpskincare.com/members/careerdev_webinars_acne_update...
Dr. James Fulton is very intelligent and knows acne! He is actually an acneologist. Watch the webinar and you will gain a lot of insight to acne. If you are not a member of ASCP, join now.
P.S. @ Lisa
skin script products fall easily into his science of acne. One question, what form of retinol is in the retinol 2%? He said retinol palmitate is still a widely used ingredient but is basically useless as the molecular structure is too large?


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