Hello fellow SS users!  I need to be encouraged. I just ordered several products from SS, and I was so excited about switching lines ( was currently using glymed, and dermalogicia) , but today I got a long text from a client that I just used the line on this past Sat. She said that her skin is still stinging, and under her eye it is swollen and the left eye there is a scar. My heart started hurting, because she has been coming to me every Sat for the last 6months and this has never happen until I swicthed the line. My client has is fitzpatrick 6, has Acne ( both open and closed comedones),and  Acne scars. I used the following on her.

1st Green Tea Cleanser

2nd Glycolic Cleanser

3rd Lemon Zest Enzyme

4th Extractions

5th Cucumber Toner

6th Strawberry/ Sper Mask

7th Light Aloe Moist

Now I am concerned about using it on anyone else. I have used it a few other times on other acne clients this same week, and they all said the Lemon and Pomgr burns.


Any advise will help thanks all!


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Sorry to hear that...

1. Did she say she had any allergies on her intake form?

2. Scar?

I would email Lisa from SS and see what she says.

Thanks, no I been working with her for 6months, and I have used Glymed, and Dermalogicia .I


i have had swelling under my eyes after serum use but only happened once. Not sure how aggressive you were with her treatment before skin script but you may have been to aggressive with chemicals. Perhaps her lipid barrier isn't very strong. I have mild to moderate acne clients that do well with green tea cleanser, blemish pads, serums, appropriate moisturizer. Of course a deep cleansing facial every 4-6 weeks. Her skin may also need time to adjust. Just have her build up to all the exfoliant ingredients. Sometimes less is more in the beginning. Keep us posted. I have had clients develop allergic reactions to products but they weren't using products correctly in some cases
I used the lemon zest enzyme on a client last weekend and he complained about the a burning sensation that lasted for about 60 seconds. Then he was fine but when I applied the mask goji berry yogurt he said that the mask sting as well. He has very fair skin.

I've had a couple situations just like yours. I had to switch those few over to a different line that I used, and because the client didn't know of her allergies, it was hard to pinpoint the reaction. I told her to take Benadryl and apply a cortizone creme. That relieved the itching and redness. I think as long as you have already been sympathetic, apologize that it happened, and just give her a course of action to take the symptoms away, that's a great start. But as always, if we do not know their allergies, it's difficult to be able to make sure the client doesn't react to anything. Having an intake form is always helpful. I've had a client become red for days after the coconut papaya mask, which is the most gentle. Sometimes, we just don't know the cause. Try not to be frustrated or discouraged - this too shall pass.

Thanks all, my client was very understanding. I think it is just hard after this happen to determine if you want to carry the line.The saddest thing is this is what happens when you say with a safe line like Dermalogicia for so long, I got use to just giving relaxing facials, but I needed something more aggressive. Yes Sara this too shall pass so just praying for better results!


This is, of course, very upsetting for you.  Take a deep breath and know that all of us have had an experience like this.  I guarantee all of my services and products to my client's satisfaction.  Would you consider offering her a complimentary facial especially since she has been such a loyal client.  Assure her that her skin will adjust to the new products which have produced such great results for others, but, for her, offer to continue with the line or switch her to another if that is her choice.  Let her know you regret this reaction and that you will do what needs to be done to make it right.

Also, be sure to balance her concerns about scaring, which is highly unlikely, with assurance that her skin will recover and possibly even improve.

Good luck to you.  Try not to worry and pray for the best outcome for you and your client.  It is difficult to be angry with someone who shows authentic concern.


Thanks so much Susan I agree. I am starting to feel alot better.


LaToya, I often wonder what a client means by the terms burn or sting.  Sometimes what they are referring to is really just a tingle, which I consider good because it shows the product is active.  I literally tell them:  tingling is good, burning is bad.  Tell me when it goes from tingle to burn.  One client stated, "Well, it stings.  Then she changed to tingle.  Then she said, no, it's really a 'stingle'. " We both laughed, and I got a new word:  stingle.

I love that coined word, Stingle. So true!

I have been using SS for awhile now and love them. The Lemon Zest is pretty strong, even for my more tolerant clients. How long did you leave it on? Did you steam? Is she using anything in her home care products that would cause further exfoliation (or sensitivity) like a glycolic cleanser? I don't understand the scar under the left eye? 

I'm not familiar enough with Glymed but I am familiar with Dermalogica and I don't think their products are as active as SS products. So what worked on one client with Dermalogica may not with SS. Does that make sense? 

Hi LaToya, if the client isn't allergic to shellfish, I would suggest using the Seaweed Mask, which helps calm the skin. Also, consider mixing the Pomegranate with the Coconut/Papaya Enzyme, this way the product can still address the acne and the oil, but at a lower strength. It’s worked for my clients, but I’ll like to see what Lisa suggests. Keep your head up!


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