I recently got a new client (yay!) who is 76 yrs old, and has very deep set wrinkles. Here is some background info : She had radiation skin treatments when she was in her younger years for her acne and used to be a "sun worshipper". She has some very large pores (holes) in her skin as well as some cysts on her chin . She also used to be a smoker for more years than she can remember. Needless to say her skin is a little thick. She wants to look and feel better so she has stopped smoking, and she wants to fix her skin. We talked during her consult about reasonable expectations ;)  and she is so cool. She said any improvement will make her happy. 

I do not have a microcurrent machine, but I do have a diamond tip microderm machine and I just ordered a Ultrasonic Spatula from Shelley Hancock :). After the Skin Script webinar yesterday I thought that perhaps I could use the passion fruit enzyme on her with some microderm on specific areas. based on the webinar, the passionfruit will warm up the skin, increase circulation and stimulate the increase of collagen which will fill in some wrinkly areas. I would like to get some feedback from some other experience esty's using skinscript on what else you think I could do to get her the best possible results although I do not have a high tech equipment treatment room (yet ). She has paid me for 6 treatments in advance and I want to make sure I Wow her the best way I can.

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What are your thoughts on glycolic and rosacea? I know lactic is popular and/or retinol but does glycolic have more collagen and elastin stimulation properties than lactic? Just wondering...thanks

Okay, Lisa your explanation is good and easy to understand. I know you said you formulated the TCA specifically for the Higher fitzpatrick scale but what about those that are on the lower end, such as my client who is a 2 or 3 (closer to 2). I assume it is safe for even these ones ?  Wow, It seems like Im gonna have a lot of fun with my new client and watching the transformation of her skin. She is my first client with skin like this, it is a challenge that scares and excites me at the same time.

Yes, the TCA can be used on all Fitzpatricks 1-6.  Good luck with your client - the challenging ones are always the most rewarding.

Do you guys massage when you do enzyme and peels? 

Tracy -

it depends on what all I am doing with client...

but, yes, with an enzyme almost always.

With a peel - maybe. Depends on what peel and their skin. A lot of times I just apply the serums in a "massage-y" kind of way. :)

Sandra -I think you will do a great job with her.

I was thinking that with a series that her skin would be well prepped for the TCA peel, that's why you can end the series with it (4 weeks rest/down time after you do this one). It's gentle but gives nice results.  Everybody loves how tight their skin feels afterwards and peeling is minimal.

My crystal microdermabrasion just seems to cause too much trauma to my mature skin - so I just don't like using it as much on my older clientele. When I do use it (hardly ever), I use low vacuum and my finest grit tip - so it's more of a polish.

Why don't you try it on her - just let her know that you want to test out to see how her skin responds...you don't want to get her hopes up if there is any problem, and she will appreciate your caution and care.  And if you get great results - even better.

I wanted to give an update on my client. She finished her six sessions, with the passion fruit enzymes...I was unable to get the lactic or tca peels because I moved my treatment room to a new location and my funds were depleted. Sooo, I worked with what I had as stated at the onset of the discussion. There were no huge changes in her skin. But the small changes did satisfy her. Her smaller wrinkles are less noticable, & her deep wrinkles are "softer". Her skin texture overall has improved. She will be coming back next month to begin monthly visits instead of every two weeks. I just ordered the lactic acid, very excited and im looking forward to identity on her next visit.

Sandra - this is great feedback.  Thank you!  Keep in mind with collagen, it takes up to 3 months to see full results.  You state it perfectly that the wrinkles are softer and her overall texture improved.  For more dramatic results the client could consider laser tightening treatments in conjunction with the passionfruit.  I think what you describe for topical enzyme work is perfect.

Thank you very much for your input Lisa !


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