Okay, I am just blown away!

I have attended the Skin Script product webinars (twice!), was lucky enough to attend a live training, and NOW I just found out about the advanced training webinars.

They all look fantastic...I can't wait.

oh yeah - and a big surprise....I see that Skin Script WILL be at the Philadelphia ICES Show in October. http://philadelphia.skincareshows.com/

I love you gals!

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Hi Cindy:  We are so excited about these new webinars.  Understanding skin physiology is fascinating to me.  We learn a lot of this information in school, lectures, etc., but to hear it again with our real world esthetic experience brings new light to these subjects.  I hope you enjoy them.   Yes, we will be at the Philly show - Booth 216.  We will have a condensed 1 hr product class Sunday from 2-3 pm in Room 118C.  See you then!

I was able to view the Enzyme Extravaganza that Dave Waggoner did on ASCP.

ASCP members can re-watch that for free.

And I just attended the Skin Histology webinar (I had to cut out a few minutes early due to an appointment).

The information isn't too complicated and I love the way that specific Skin Script products are mentioned when appropriate.

I highly reccommend checking out the remaining Skin Script Rx training webinars.

If we ALL take these we will be the smartest estheticians on the planet!


Dear Cindy:  Thank you for the compliment and we are striving to put sound educational pieces together.  You are correct, education is so important in this industry.  Thank you for your continued interest and we will see you on the next webinar.  Warm regards, Dave Waggoner

I agree, the webinars are amazing!  I am especially thankful being a newer Esthetician, it really helps put things into prospective, unlike in school!  I love that we get the slides to follow along so we aren't having to scribble tons of notes and we can actually listen!  The Enzyme one really opened my eyes to so much!!  I can't wait to see Skin Scripts in Ft Lauderdale and meet everyone!!  I especially can't wait to eventually transition to the entire line.

Thank you Sheila!!!!  Kind comments create such a great ripple effect - you just made my day!


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