I like adding a little Listerine to my bowl of ice water. It is an antiseptic and kills germs.

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 The "bowl of ice water with a 1/4 listerine" is used for cleaning or wiping off the pigment left on top of the skin after the application.

 Another tip: I use paper and styroform products during my procedure and on my work station. I use styroform bowls for my water,  dixie paper cups to hold my Q tips, Two Gel Topical Anesthetics & Antibiotic Ointment, toothpicks for outlining, and cotton rounds (cut in the middle with an "X") to hold my disposable pigment wells. I explain to my clients that I have beautiful bowls and containers, so I am not being cheap. But I choose to use everything on my tray that is for one time use. So after every procedure, everything goes directly in to the trash container.  I do not autoclave because I never use anything twice. It protects me and my client and they like that.

Why do I use ice water? I mainly use the water to wipe off excess pigment after a pass.  I use  ( for each swipe) a  single use white small triangle makeup sponge.  I find the sponge, to be softer and less irritating than a than a Kleenex or disposable wipe because the texture is softer and smoother and makes cleaning easy without stress to the tender skin.  Your clients will appreciate this! The mixture of "icy" water produces a cold temperature which addresses two critical concerns which are minimizing swelling and helping to keep the area numb with out having to continue to reapply the Lidocaine or Tetra Caine, which is also cost effective to you too .  ( it reminds me when, I was five years olds and my grandmother pierced my ears and used two cubes together, one in the front and one in back of my ear to numb it and it worked. Haha.  I know, this sound medieval but this is the way I got my ears pierced, Today I used 5% Lidocain for my daughter's ears.) 


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