Madeleine Bongiorno


Olympia, WA

United States

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What best describes your position in the skin care profession?
Licensed Esthetician
What setting(s) do you work in?
Self-employed/Booth Rental

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  • penny valentine



    I represent an organic line called Tao.  Very active line and much less than Image.  I do use Image for some things but, they are expensive.  You can buy professional sized products for your back bar.  Let me know if you're interested.  I love this product!! 

  • Rachael Pontillo

    Hi there! I am loving the the new formulations and am also having good results with Restore. Can't wait to see the makeup at the NY IECSC show next weekend.

  • Aimee Fuentes

    HI Madeleine- It's been a while but wanted to invite you the Portland Lira Debut, March 17th from 10-2 . If you're interested in attending feel free to contact me. Hope all is well! It is a free event. If you have time check out Lira