I'm on a "QUEST" to find a new skincare line... I currently used Dermalogica which is a Good line BUT a little to harsh for most of my clients.

The majority of my clientele are cancer patients. The chemical treatment and medication has weakened their skin causing Chronic dryness, Irritation and Sensitization. The most important aspects of an skincare brand would be Natural, Healing, Soothing, Non-Irritating, Ingredients to help Restore and Protect their skin.

If anyone has any experience with clients dealing with these issues and you have had wonderful results with a Natural Skincare Brand... I would Luv Your Advice.


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Comment by Tanna R Plummer on September 26, 2013 at 2:59pm

Have you ever tried Sircuit Cosmeceuticals?  Check out sircuitskin.com!  I loved the line so much that I decided to join up with them!  They are made to work with your skin by using their Chiral Technology and they're organic!

- Tanna Plummer


Comment by coldsalineplexus on September 25, 2013 at 9:14pm

Techniche is a line developed specifically for these patients.  They don't have a ton of different products, but they are very helpful with putting together effective protocols for specific people.

Comment by Connie on September 25, 2013 at 9:41am

I also checked out skin care products/tx's and discovered this line~ they are used at some of the finest cancer centers around the country.  I've never tried this product but thought it may be worth your time in checking them out.  The link is below:


Comment by Lori Klingensmith Wallick on September 24, 2013 at 9:05pm

I would suggest PCA Skin. They have a complete protocol for Oncology clients. The Owner Jennifer Linder is a dermotolgist and owns a cancer skin care center.  You can't get any better advise than that!

Good Luck!

Comment by rachel reyes on September 24, 2013 at 11:47am

Eminence organic skin care line, Is an amazing line. They have a bio dynamic line and the mayo clinic has approved the skin care line for their client patience.

The owner of Eminence is a cancer survivor (that may appeal to your clients). and for every product sold the company will plant a tree!

Comment by Cindy Greenwood on September 24, 2013 at 8:20am

I would suggest contacting Osmosis.

They also offer a 3-day training for Oncology Esthetics (in partnership).

Might be worth checking out Techniche also.

Good luck finding your new line!

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