When you’re ready to begin a new skin care regimen or if you’re graduating to a more advanced one, it's important to understand the basics of home skincare. These tips can be implemented in your routine to achieve healthy skin.
To begin, cleansing is the most essential step. Cleansing the skin prepares it for the products to follow. Let the cleanser do its job, no need to be aggressive. Your skin has a pH of 4.5 -5.5. Cleansing with a product that is outside that range can lead to issues such as dehydration and irritation. Many OTC products are outside this range, even the “gentle” ones. Allow an expert to choose what’s best for you so you can begin your regimen the best way. *TIP: Sometimes a cleanser can be used as a mask! If it’s professional, leave it on a few minutes for a treatment!
Another important step is exfoliation. OTC scrubs or acids can traumatize the skin so be sure to invest in professional ones. Also know you cannot “open or close pores” but your exfoliator will help to “decongest” them. Exfoliation can give you an immediate result but be sure not to overdo it! *TIP: If you have breakouts, do not scrub! You don’t want to aggravate an area that is already inflamed. You may be better with chemical exfoliation.
Serums are the key to affecting change in your skin. Don’t skip or bargain with this step. Antioxidant serums protect skin from environmental hazards and can repair damage. If you’ve never used serums, start here. Another beneficial serum to incorporate is a lightening one. These aren’t just for those concerned with sun damage, but those with uneven tone. Retinol based serums are wonderful but OTC formulations may be unstable and can cause irritation – invest in a professional one. *TIP: Retinols are not all created equal. Just because the product has it, doesn't mean it's effective. Apply your professional retinol at night and your Vitamin C during the day. This combination is a great start to achieving beautiful skin!
1.) Yes, your moisturizer can include your SPF. No, the one in your makeup is not enough.
2.) The more expensive product isn't always the best.
3.) A consultation with a skin care specialist can change everything.
Brittany Bray, B.A., LMA
Licensed Aesthetician
Aesthetics Director
Really great information, thanks!!!
Good Stuff Right HERE!!! Thanks for the reminder!
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