Hello all!

My name is Patrice Meredith. I'm looking forward to getting back into the skin care business. I'm new at this blog thing so if anybody has any suggestions I'm open to all pertaining skin care. I've been licensed since 2006. I have had some difficulty trying to find a job in my field. I have had some great Esthetician jobs but none have seem to work out for me thus far. So, I plan to step out on my own and hopefully end up having my own shop. I want to start out small and build from there. I like the idea of making my own schedule and sticking to limited facials, salt scrubs and a body wrap or two. I'm not sure if I need to be certified in that or not. Mom starting a new chapter in my life and I believe and hope this is going to be one of the best ones in my life.

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Comment by Amy Sherman on February 11, 2014 at 8:54am

Do it! I am working as a sort of booth rent in a place and by GEORGE!!! I wish I would have done it YEARS AGO!!! I have all kinds of tips and tricks for getting new business, so feel free to private message me and I will try to put together a list for you to help out. I would also recommend going into other spas near where you want to start and get their brochures to help you stand out!  Also, have a set plan in action BEFORE you start up.  I have been back in the saddle since maternity leave and I have just been working willy-nilly on things like brochures, treatment options etc. DO THAT FIRST!!! LOL Good LUCK!

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