Hey out there! I received a c all from a client I had done micro on, she says that now there are small cat-like scratches on her face. I have been doing microderm for a little over 3 years now and not had this happen to any of my clients... I know it can occur when too much pressure is applied or if the wrong type of tip is used and I can accept it if I somehow misjudged which tip to use but basically what I need help with is making her happy now and of course making sure her skin heals properly. I pulled her chart again to make sure I didn't miss something  and everything checks out. She will be coming in tomorrow and I am planning on doing a gentle soothing mask just to pump some extra vitamins and moisture into the skin... any suggestions would help or stories of similar occurrences, I am horrified and just hope to make her happy... she is also getting a refund :)

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Comment by Elle Kersey on August 1, 2011 at 12:23pm
I am glad to be able to help.
Comment by Ashley Summers on August 1, 2011 at 11:43am
I never even considered that! thank you for responding, I have seen her again twice now and her skin actually does look great and she is happy which in the end is what I want!
Comment by Elle Kersey on July 31, 2011 at 9:07am

I am sorry that happened to you. The tip may have been damaged. After so much cleaning and brushing they wear. You may want to check all your tips for wear.


Helping her heal is the right thing to do. A refund, well she actually got a depper peel than she paid for and once all the healing is done, her skin will be awesome. Just make sure she is keeping the skin clean to avoid any infection and sunblock is applied liberally to avoid any pigmentation issues.


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