FROM PCI PUBLISHING:  ATTENTION NEW HAMPSHIRE ESTHETICIANS In an effort to make New Hampshire a more 'business friendly' state, a recent bill submitted to the NH legislature (HB 446-FN) has focused o…


In an effort to make New Hampshire a more 'business friendly' state, a recent bill submitted to the NH legislature (HB 446-FN) has focused on lowering taxes and decreasing government regulations. In a recent article in the Concord Monitor Republican Rep. Neal Kurk stated that professions including esthetics and landscape architecture put a question in his mind about whether or not there's any public safety benefit for having these as licensed professions. He went on to say that the cost of regulating professional licenses vs. the benefit of public safety does not seem to matter. From a professional licensed esthetician standpoint, we don't want to go around saying that we are putting consumers at risk. However, if ANYONE will be able to call themselves an esthetician, and have no verifiable training or licensure-that most certainly would put professionals out of business. So much for being a "business friendly" state.


So, if you are a licensed esthetician in New Hampshire - go to your computer right now and Locate your Legislator -

Tell your legislator that as a licensed esthetician in New Hampshire, you will lose your business if unlicensed individuals are allowed to practice esthetics in your state. Consumers will be put at risk of chemical burns, improper use of hair removal devices will scar New Hamshirians for life!


Have your voice heard before the Committee Meeting that is being held on February 22nd - ACT NOW!

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Comment by Susanne Schmaling on April 9, 2011 at 1:39pm
I am not from New Hampshire but THANK YOU..this is starting a trend we have to watch. I am trying to watch my state closely on these issues!
Comment by Jessica Marie Cummings on February 15, 2011 at 4:45pm
This is ridiculous, I will be sure to pass this along to all of my colleagues in the industry. Thank you for this information.

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