Has anyone used PMD Pro Microderm? I saw it in Universal. The price is $99 which is extremely low compared to a machine. I'm wondering if this is something to use on clients and charge for the microderm service or not. Any thoughts?

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Tags: microdermabrasion


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Comment by Samantha Maline on August 3, 2013 at 4:08pm
There are reviews on Amazon for this product. I would only sell this to clients for home use (and really I'm not sure I would do that) but I wouldn't use it in treatments. If you're looking into retailing it, keep in mind that clients can get it for only a bit more on Amazon which leaves a much smaller profit margin for you. And with it being such a large investment on you part with only a 20% return when you DO sell it (which will be harder because its a bigger ticket item), it really is not the best investment for sales.

If you're thinking about it for treatment, I would advise you to get a $200 mini diamond microdermabrasion machine (also n Amazon) if you just want to add a service upgrade that's in your budget. I actually have a smaller unit that I use as a simple exfoliation add-on and it works great. For a full on microdermabrasion treatment go for crystal and invest in your machine if you want to offer a full-on micro treatment on your menu.
Comment by Toni B LaHaye on July 7, 2013 at 7:51am

I usually start all clients with enzyme or light peel and explain to them that once we know how their skin responds we can add additional exfoliation either with micro or dermaplaning in the future and that it is a $20 add on to the treatment.  BUT, I'm terrible at charging for add-ons.  When I update my menu and prices I will probably raise fees and just include these often used add-ons to the price.  I know you can make a lot extra with add ons, but I would prefer to just have a standard price.  Right now most of my treatments are $80 or $100 but i think I'm just going to make most of them 100 and just have the freedom to use any extra equipment without asking for more $.  And i still refer to the PMD as microderm when speaking to clients.

Comment by Linda Jordin on July 6, 2013 at 9:14pm
Toni, do you charge extra? And what do you refer to it as with your clients?
Comment by Toni B LaHaye on July 6, 2013 at 7:45pm

Microderm is not my favorite as a stand alone treatment so I know I am not going to invest in a larger machine at this time since I have a very small skin care business.  I recently purchased the PMD to use prior to peels or enzymes for added exfoliation.  Some clients just love a pass of microderm and I think for me this is all I really need at the time.  My coworker purchased an additional PMD for home use and really likes it.  For me it was an easy $99 to spend just to have light micro as an option, but I would never sell this as a stand alone treatment and tell clients it is the same as a professional unit.  Hope this helps!

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