Pricing "speciality" skincare and massage services

I am trying to design a pricing list for my skin care and massage services, and was wondering if I should maintain 1 price for all facials/body treatments/massages with additional add-on upgrades, or if I should set each service it's individual price...any thoughts?

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Comment by Felice | on October 6, 2013 at 3:31pm

Btw, may God richly bless your business and may it flourish.  

Felice -

Comment by Felice | on October 6, 2013 at 3:29pm

I stopped by a spa store in Bethlehem, PA (saucom valley mall (something like that) which offers both (facials/massafes) for a membership of $49/month for a 1 treatment a month of their choice.  I think a none menber pays $69 a shot but am unsure.  If I come across it, I'd like to share it so please add me as a friend (I don't know how to do this yet as I'm new).

Comment by Valarie on September 28, 2013 at 12:37pm


You can go to and print off a free biz and marketing plan. Just go to the right hand side of the home page and click on "Create a Business Plan."

All the best,

Valarie Hurst

Valarie Hurst & Company

Comment by selina couillard on September 26, 2013 at 9:28pm
These are great words of advice! Thank you so much! @loana christina, I'm organic in my practice so no machines required - only hand held small equipment that has very minimal cost but definitely important to consider product cost and laundering expenses. @valerie - I guess I have a lot of research to do!! Lol!
Comment by Valarie on September 26, 2013 at 4:47pm

Hi Selina,

Do you know your market? Do you have a marketing plan? What is your competition in your area? These are some things to consider when putting your menu of services together. Just some food for thought. 

All the best,

Valarie Hurst

Comment by selina couillard on September 21, 2013 at 8:38pm
Thank you all for your great feedback! I think I will price basic at onle level, speciality at another, and charge additional for add-ons..!
Comment by Loana Cristina Curatolo on September 21, 2013 at 2:44pm

My prices are different from treatment to treatment. Add-ons can be added to the original price of treatment (e.g. regular facial + add-on: aromatherapy, lips and/ or eye treatment,...) Treatment with machines such as L.E.D. radio, ultrasound, oxygen or microdermabrasion must be priced calculating the machine use, the filters, the specific gels that you use,...You need to make a benefit to, not only cover the use of products, machines, electricity and laundry. Calculations are made considering all of those things + your time + the rent (and/or taxes).

Comment by Relax & Rejuvenate on September 20, 2013 at 10:15am


Are the distinct treatments or basically the same treatment with some upgrades -- aromatherapy, hot stones or for facials, ampoules or masques, etc.

If they are just add ons to a basic service, then price it that way

If they are distinct services -- even if the duration is the same -- list them and price them that way.

Comment by Nicole H on September 18, 2013 at 12:59pm

All my prices are different due to the different products used or time each treatment takes.

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