Sample Starpil's Stripless Hard wax for Free!!!

Hi everyone!

We are new to the forum and would like other members to try our stripless hard wax at no cost to you.
Hopefully we could get a good tread going once you’ve all tried the samples.
If you are currently using Starpil we hope to hear from you also.
Here’s the link to our site where you can fill out our sample request form.
There are three varieties to choose from, all non polymer blends.

Below are some offers and benefits to working with Starpil
*We offer free FedEx ground shipping on orders over $100.

*Products referral program where you get 10% (up to $50) off your next order when you refer us to your friends or colleagues.

*Aesthetician to aesthetician training program where we pay you to give tips and advice on how Starpil wax has worked for you. (Subject to availability) we are always looking for new reps in different cities!

*Complimentary bag of the hard wax of your choice to congratulate newly licensed aestheticians.

*Price per 1 kilo/2.2pound bag starts at $23.90 and go's down to $18.90 per bag when you order more with free ground shipping.

*No order minimums

Our products are manufactured in Spain with the same recipe now for over 25 years.
We look forward to receiving your request.
We also offer soft strip waxes and roll on wax cartridges.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you,


Views: 921

Tags: european, free, hard, no, samples, starpil, strip, stripless, wax, waxing


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Comment by Starpil Wax Products on February 14, 2013 at 11:05pm

Hi Claire, that sounds great, we will sent you a sample and let us know what you think. We are interested in sponsoring individuals this year for a new program where the instructor or aesthetician that's already experienced with our wax can talk with new clients in their city or area. We are compensating for the training of course. We are also interested in getting some video reviews or brief demonstrations of our wax with the possibility of adding an advertisement for your business or services. These videos will be posted in a section on our website.

Comment by Claire Barnes on February 14, 2013 at 8:51pm

I am interested.  I teach advanced wax classes  and get asked by companies to sample their wax for feedback or to share with students and get their feedback also etc.   I would be happy to help sample for you.  I will go to the site you have posted and take a look.   If you need any other info you can contact me here

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