To Wax, Thread or Sugar? Helpful info to help you decide....

To Wax, Thread or Sugar?
That is the hair removal question

I am constantly being asked, "what do you think of threading and/or sugaring"? "Are they better than waxing for the brow and Brazilian areas"?

I have performed two out of the three (waxing and sugaring) and attempted threading. 

There is always a learning curve to every new service.  You cannot realistically expect to attend a training class and then go right out and be as proficient at the service as your instructor was.  How quickly you are able to get up to speed will depend on how much you practice (for the most part).

I cut my waxing teeth on hard wax, which is my personal preference, and has a learning curve all its own.  If memory serves it took me about 10 Brazilians  just feel comfortable doing them and then another 10 to pick up my speed. 

With Sugaring, I was able to get the technique, but performing the service (brow & Brazilian) proved VERY challenging and time consuming.  Sugaring is the total opposite of waxing so you have to learn from scratch, and your waxing techniques don't cross over to sugaring. 

As for threading, I really didn't give it a fighting chance.  Training is very hard to find, so I got a dvd.  The technique seemed fairly easy to grasp, but the maneuvers you have to do with your fingers/neck to perform the service were not anything I was willing to endure.

As you will see, there isn't one form of hair removal that doesn't have its cons. 


The key to performing your chosen service with skill, efficiency and confidence is always education.

As for choosing the right method/methods for you? It's up to you to decide what you can work with and what will work best for you. 

Hopefully this little list will be helpful in making that decision,  or at the very least informative.

  • Quick learning curve allows you to get waxing and making money quickly
  • Relatively painless when done correctly
  • Hair can be as short as 1/4" (and shorter at times) or longer hair without trimming 
  • Service can be performed in a short period of time with maximum efficiency.  
  • Non repetitive movements means less chance for injury to the technician
  • Hard wax is very gentle and, (in many cases), can be used when soft wax would be contraindicated. 
  • Waxing has more contraindications associated with it 
  • Chance of: breakage of hair, skin lifting, bruising, tearing of skin if not held taut  or treated properly prior to and during waxing. 

I have used professional sugaring in the past for face and Brazilians and though It worked well, for me the learning curve was just way too steep.

  • Hair growth can be as short as 1/16" 
  • Less irritating to the skin as sugar only removes the dead cells (it actually stops working when it hits live skin) so there is no chance for skin lifting. 
  • No contraindications can be used on anyone  
  • Pain threshold is about the same as waxing  
  • Since it's basically sugar, bacteria does not grow in it.
  • If you are proficient you can wax an area using a single ball of sugar  
  • Can remove ingrown hairs with proper tecchnique 
  • Though skin cannot be lifted with sugar, if you over sugar an area you can cause an over exfoliation of skin, creating dry flaky patches.  Which is a very similar reaction to skin lifting especially in the brow area.  
  • Very steep learning curve when sugaring the brows and Brazilian. Sugaring is the opposite of waxing. 
  • Repetitive movements can be tiring on the wrist, hand, fingers
  • If hair is longer than 1/4" it will be very irritating/painful for the client so you have to trim longer hair.      
  • It takes longer to perform brow services with sugar, which cuts into your profits. 
  • Chance of, breakage of hair, bruising and tearing if skin is not held properly and if technique is not correct.  

I have attempted to learn threading and have experienced threading on myself many times.

  • No Contraindications


  • Huge learning curve
  • Very painful for client (it's like each hair is being tweezed all at once)  
  • Lots of repetitive movement for the technician with fingers and neck (depending on the method you use)
  • Technicians fingers get cut up by the thread 
  • Chance of, breakage of hair, skin lifting, skin being cut with thread and histamine reaction. (I have experience all of these with threading) 

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Tags: brazilian, brow, design, sugaring, threading, waxing


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