I am looking for a new skin care product line.  Anyone have one they would recommend that is a more natural with preferably no parabens, SLS in cleanser.  I'd like a line with an ingredient list that clients can read and pronounce.  Something they would feel good about putting into their skin.  Thanks in advance :D  I am also looking at mineral makeup if anyone has a line they love.

Tags: makeup, natural, skincare

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Has anyone out there visited the facilities where your products are made? Do you know where they are made, labs in other countries?  Have you met the employees who have handled the ingred. or seen the envirement where the manufacturing of products is done?  The chances of contamination are much greater by the number of unknown  people, factories/farms where materials/chemicals are handled or harvested (again perhaps other countries?)  I challenge you all who are so concerned about safety issues to do thorough research and personally visit, if it is possible, the places where your products come from including ALL the ingred. in your products. Would you eat anything made by a cook you have never met, or seen the kitchen where it was prepared?  We do that all the time and trust our government inspectors who come how often to inspect the kitchens?  My son worked for a famous cafe and the cooks picked up food from the floor and put it on plates for unsuspecting customers. They were inspected regularly by the government. National pizza companies have been fined, hamburger has not been propertly cooked and kids have died, horse meat has been found in Ikea meat balls. Did you hear about the applesauce a trusted baby food manufacturer had on the market?  After an investigation with hidden cameras they discovered it came from applesauce in the trash dumpsters.  I could go on and on but it is your choice as we all know.  I would recommend you let your clients know you have personally inspected and investigated where your products and the ingred. come from and that you did this for their safety. Also explain that the government also cares about their safety and wants to protect them. 

At least there is something in place to stop them from wrong doings.  Sayra, do you realize it's against our code of ethics to manufacture our own products and sell them for our profit?  The director of government affairs for the professional beauty association, whom I have shared many emails with, is trying to put a stop to these and other illegal activities.  Why should you profit without having paid for the right to manufacture skincare products?  There are several small companies, who are totally transparent and do it the right way.  What you are doing is potentially taking away their profits without putting in the money, blood, sweat and tears, and probably not paying the government.  That's just wrong.

Obviously, there are always going to be extreme cases where there is an accidental contamination in any manufacturing setting. The difference is in reducing the occurance of accidental incidents, and the employment of scientists in the labs, and professional protocols that diminish the potential disasters. I am sure that you take a great deal of effort to provide your clients with wonderful organic products and I think that is commendable, but I think you are putting yourself at some risk in terms of lawsuits. I think your organic line is very appealing, and it probably draws a very hip and earthy crowd, but hiring scientist/lab to create and test your products would reduce your liability. Do you maintain Material Safety Data Sheets, or do you have exact recipes on file? This is a very interesting topic because people love organic (back to nature), but what liability do we have as estheticians? Or is it perfectly acceptable to make homemade products in our kitchens and put them on clients' faces? I don't know the answer, but I do know as a client, I would pause a bit before getting a facial like one of these unless I knew exactly what was in it just because it hadn't been tested.

Juliette,  I have been on this site now for some time but I am not here to defend myself; only to share with others who have the same passion.  My purpose in writing my thoughts to you and the others is for encouragement and the sharing of ideas and challenges so that we can improve our skills and build one another up. Are you aware you are using this website that actually encourages home businesses? A blog is allowed here for those of us who are running businesses out of our homes. My business insurance is with this same company. A few months back I was asked to do a webinar for those who may be thinking of doing a home business, to share my wonderful experiences and encourage others. I graduated 9 years ago from one of the top three schools in the nation and as one of the top students in my class. It was the owner of the school, a very well known and respected person in the field, that suggested to me that I use my home for my business. It was at that time after graduating that I opened my home business. During my first years my clients encouraged me to not move my practice into a commerical spot.  Each time I have been inspected by the state my practice has been rated the highest.  I have all the licenses, insurance, etc. and I do sell some manufactured products that are wonderful. I have a love and passion for what I do but I don't read that from your writings. I certainly don't feel we need to compete with one another in business. I have a desire to make the world a better place, there is a need for even more of us. I sense you feel I am a danger to you and the others who have chosen to run your businesses in a different manner than mine.  I am very sorry to say you sound frightened and bitter hearted in your responses to my various ideas and when I give a defense. I think it would be best for both of us to end our "conversations" on this blog as they are neither helpful or encouraging, especially to the other professionals who are taking part in this. I say to you with a most sincere heart and a prayer for you that you will seek and find much peace and truth in all that you do.  May God richley bless you in your business!  Sayra

Please check out the suggested "formulas" for our client's natural treatments in your ASCP Skin Deep publication Jan/Feb 2013. The fresh cucumber toner for eye and facial compresses or the sunflower seed exfoilation, apple cider vinegar tonic, salad greens facial mask, all so wonderful!  These types of treatments are what my clients love and why they come to me! The formulas were contained in an article written by Lynn Parentini, a respected author, member of the National Cosmetology Association and is author of "The Joy Of Healthy Skin" as well as Stone Journey, a guide to stone treatments. She has worked for major manufacturers.  Would you suggest the government should also put a stop to people like her? 


We are not within our scope of practice to mix formulas without all the proper licensing, permits, quality control, etc,.  Books are written and published on a number of things pertaining to skincare.  But the authors are not saying forget about purchasing products from a company who specialize in the formulation, packaging and distribution of skincare products.  It's fine to have recipe cards to give to clientele to try.  That puts the owns on them.  If a client makes a purchase at a shop, they should leave with a sealed and wrapped product.  It is not legal to mix stuff up and sell it for your own profit.  The reason many aestheticians get away with it is because the government and state regulating agencies know there is not enough money in it for them to prosecute.  Having said that, I  would not be advertising on the internet that I mix my own skincare products.  At some point in time hammer will come down.

Nicole brings up an excellent point, Material Safety Data Sheets, Exact Formulas, Sanitation Records, etc. Are those readily available along with financial accounting records? 

Sayra, read what you wrote, she has worked for "Major Manufacturers" all the author is doing is trying to sell a book for profit.  

You will soon see a big push to stop aestheticians from running businesses out of their homes and playing kitchen chemists. 

Six months of education is far from qualifying anyone to act as a person with a PhD or Doctorate. 


Juliette, that is excellent information! 

Thank you Jodi.  

As professionals, we must stick together and weed out those who think they know better without the proper education and credentials. These individuals are virtually robbing everyone for their own gain.

Try tecNiche
Have you tried TecNiche

If you are looking for an all natural lotion for sensitive or inflamed skin here is a fantastic lotion that is published in Victoria Edwards book "Aromatherapy Blends for De-Stressing. I have used it for facial massage for about 9 years. All my clients love it!!!!  Essential oils must always be deluted in a carrier oil. They contain high concentrations of natural chemicals and can burn the skin if used undiluted, however they bring healing when used properly. 
           The scent of this is so very lovely!
      2 drops chamomile essential oil, 2 drops neroli essential oil, 7 drops sandlewood essential oil, 5 drops bois de rose essential oil, 30 ml (1ounce) carrier oil (choose from apricot, almond, grapeseed, canola, sunflower, etc.)
        Combine all ingredients in a small dark bottle and shake to mix.  After cleansing and toning, place a few drops in the palms of your hands and massage lightly over the face.  This is a very relaxing and lingering scent.  Always check your intake form for client's alergies or contraindications before using.


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