Dear everyone, what are the best schools, places, workshops, or people for advanced esthetician workshops? I'm currently in the southern California area and in dire need to get more hands-on specialized training.  After learning the basics, I think the biggest challenge estys face is having uniqueness and something that makes you stand out from the crowd. Any suggestions? Looking forward to hearing everyone's response!!

Tags: advanced, care, continuing, education, esthetician, skin, specialization, workshop

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Actually - practicing on real faces, real people is the best way to get comfortable and gain confidence.


Manufacturers workshops are beneficial - even if you don't or won't be using those particular products you will learn a lot about ingredients and protocols.


I took many classes at a local IDI (International Dermal Institute) that were very good - but because of Dermalogica's defection to the mass-market, I don't know if I would be comfortable recommending/supporting that route any more.


Trade shows - this is fabulous - I take in as many workshops, lectures, and demonstrations as I can.


Trade magazines will keep you updated on new products and techniques.


And I higly recommend being active on several on-line professional forums for advice, support, and inspiration.

What makes you special and unique will come out over may find you like working with a specific population and may eventually specialize in that. You keep trying new things and keep adding those that you like to your reportoire.  Pretty soon you have cobbled together many different things that make you YOU.

Great suggestions - also, don't forget that lots of trade magazines and organizations have online calendars showing a big range of CE classes. ASCP's continuing education calendar is at
Do you know what area of aesthetics interests you most?  That would be helpful to know as there are so many resources out there, it narrows it down a bit.


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