Hi everyone!  Does anyone else get back pain when doing back to back facials?  I have 7 this coming weekend, 3 Saturday, and 4 Sunday.  I'm looking for ways to combat the muscle pain that I get in the middle of my back.  I started doing yoga to help strengthen my core, but had to stop for 6 weeks due to recovery from a surgery.  Any ideas anyone has that could help me not be in knots after this weekend (and beyond) would be great. 

Some basic info on how I work:

1.  I sit to do facials. 

2.  The stool I have doesn't have a back.  I'm thinking of getting one.

3.  I do stand during hand and arm massage.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 


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Watch your body mechanics-ice area after a hard day, contrast ice/heat (ice helps reduces inflammation) or using heat on a regular basis.

Regular massage

Get a chair with a back and adjustable height

I have the same problems, does anyone know if Pilates helps also??or which one is better?..
Let me know how the classes r I always suffered from either lower or mid back pain cause I did nails for years, I am scared that if I start yoga or get messages often I might come out worst, I had a message once n my god next day I was SO soar....

@ Denise-You should never be that sore after a massage, it should be to your tolerance only-communicate with your therapist, if it feels like a good hurt-ok-but if it feels like pain being inflicted then it's too deep. Occasionally, some people can have delayed soreness, like the next day-if you have that after excercise, kind of the same.

With excercise I suggest starting out with what your comfortable doing, but not jumping right in and trying to keep up with everyone else. I think any excercise is good. Even just stretching is great.

@ Jodi-if your clients are late--they miss out on the full time! You need to take care of you first. I would suggest if you don't have any policies on that issue that you make some. We build in that time for ourselves, so we can eat, do laundry or whatever, when clients know your serious about your business they won't be late more than once!\ 

I got a student chair for 20.00 at Office Depot, had it over 6 yrs now. Back, height lever, wheels.

Next week I'm going to restart taking a class I had just started before my surgery called Body Flow.  It's a combination of yoga, pilates and tai chi.  I think it will help, but in the meantime, I am not looking forward to how my back is going to feel tomorrow and Sunday!  I have an adjustable stool, just not with a back.  I think I'm going to look into getting one.  And hopefully people will be on time, so I will have a few mins downtime between each to stretch.  I've tried those heat pads you can wear and it seemed to help, but then I get hot, as it's not cool in my room. 

Oops typed message in wrong spot

There is a thing called a Backjoy which you could try out on your current stool. It's a seat topper that corrects your hip and lower back posture. You can get them from Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, or from the manufacturer's own website and they're around $30-$40. I haven't tried sitting all day on one, but we had one in the office here to try out a while ago and everybody who tried it really liked it. I tried it on a regular office chair for a short time before somebody else came to grab it, and I found it very comfortable - it really had an effect.

I liked it mainly because no matter whether I'm in a chair with a perfect ergonomically designed back or adjustability or anything, I still end up sitting forward and not even touching the back of the chair, but sitting on this thing just forces your lower body into a good position without you even noticing.

That sounds great!  I'll have to look into that, thank you so much!

omg thank You for that info on back joy, looking into amazon now to see if they have it. Will let you know how it is. Thanks Again

I have same problem. I got serious of treatment from someone who perform Feldenkrais but i also make her to teach me right posture for our job, actually still need a lot to learn, since we all use our body very wrong and these habits so solid it is hard to change them. Pilates on mat helps a lot, the one you are using just your body no rubber or balls.

hi What is Feldenkrais???

Moshe Feldenkrais is the guy who designed this method. Basicly because posture, balance and movement issues creates the pain. Alexandra techniques and Feldenkrais techniques help your self awareness of your movement. I learn little bit Alexandre when i was acting school. Also when i was living in Washington i was getting treatment from Feldenkrais practionar Nancy Haller . You can think like massage therapy but it is not really, not sure how to describe but i would feel wonderful after each treatment. I should tell Feldenkrais practionars has more education then Chiropractor. I searched because i wanted to go, just to help myself. There are books Denise you can buy and read about it. Also there are workshops i really like to go.


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