Hi everyone!  Does anyone else get back pain when doing back to back facials?  I have 7 this coming weekend, 3 Saturday, and 4 Sunday.  I'm looking for ways to combat the muscle pain that I get in the middle of my back.  I started doing yoga to help strengthen my core, but had to stop for 6 weeks due to recovery from a surgery.  Any ideas anyone has that could help me not be in knots after this weekend (and beyond) would be great. 

Some basic info on how I work:

1.  I sit to do facials. 

2.  The stool I have doesn't have a back.  I'm thinking of getting one.

3.  I do stand during hand and arm massage.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 


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I am gonna google his name to see if they offer any classes in NY , to see if this helps at this point I am willing try anything. Thank you

Oh i m sure you can find so easily in NY. When you learn how much pressure we are putting our body, not by working but by 'relaxing,standing...etc' you ll be suprise. You are very welcome Denise. Please keep me posted about it.

Just saw them in google, I will be calling first thing Monday ill keep u posted...thank u solo much

Yoga and back stretches are only thing that seems to help me. Hot/Cold patches work temp. Maybe a chiropractor- also going to try other ideas below! I have had on going back pain before industry. Midol helps also!

I will update everyone.  I did 3 back to back facials yesterday and 4 back to back today.  I was in pain Saturday, but not awful, just annoying.  Today, by my 3rd one, I had that annoying pain, but nothing major.  During the 4th one, I couldn't even think straight.  I kept leaning back against the wall and almost forget to do my 2nd cleanse.  I stood up a few times and tried to stretch, while keeping my hands moving on her face.  I have to get this figured out, or I will never be able to do this full time, which is my goal.  I can feel the muscles, right in the middle of my back, are stiff and sore.  Gonna soak in some hot water, then put some 'Maxfreeze' gel on to ease the spasms. 


Use Epsom Salts in BAth too!! Hope this helps!

Sorry you are going through this!  

In school my whole body would ache from doing facials.  I had to build up my muscles in my upper body, lower back, and even hips and legs.

I schedule 90-minute treatments, and work 2 full and 2 half days each week in the treatment room.  During my full days, I see 4-5 clients and just plan on going straight home to a hot shower and some advil on those days.  Having waxing appointments in the mix really helps, but I am more popular for skin treatments, so I just have to prepare for those two busy days each week.  

Hi Christina, how did you build your upper body, that is exactly my problem,  iam scared that if i do exercise i might make it worst. Please tell me what has helped you. Thanks

I got my body used to doing the movements necessary for facials, and also gave myself stretching time between appointments.  I don't stretch as much as I used to, which would help.  Strength training would probably be good, but since you are already in pain, make sure you are working with a trainer who understands your situation.

For Back facials, back waxing, leg waxing, etc. I always make sure my table is high. I stand when doing them so I don't have to bend as much. yes, I do lots of yoga too. and yes, pilates would help too. 

Currently I'm only able to handle 5 clients in one day.
I too suffer from back pain that has been chronic for three years. My recommendation is to first get checked out (x-ray or MRI) to see if more is going on "back" there. After a recent MRI I found out that I actually have arthritis in my facet joints. Very painful! These joints connect the vertebrae. The joints and the nerves attached can result in painful and deep muscle spasms when the back is stressed and tired. I will soon have a procedure to eliminate the problem nerves. If I didn't have an MRI I would still be thinking that my pain was just tired muscles. If your situation is just that, tired muscles, then proper stretching, massage and Pilates for core building will really help your pain. Another good option is acupuncture. Be sure that when you are working your posture is correct, your work station is ergonomically correct and that you have all your products and tools nearby and available without you needing to twist at the waist. I recently purchased a new chair that cost me a small fortune but after sitting in a colleagues chair my butt and back was instantly happy ;0)

Hello Denise i wonder what did you purchased. Would you sent me the link, info of chair that you purchased?


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