i no someone that use coconut oil for the facial massage

im just looking for thoughts on this




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i think its up to the person/client- I am all about coconut oil for my hands and tying different lotions and body butters- it would not be my go to for  professional treatments- esp because it can clog pores and is to greasy for face and chest

Hi Kellie

Coconut oil is what I use in my treatment room for massaging the face, neck and decollate. Coconut oil is a "superfood", it is a wonderful oil, that does miracles! Is not like an oil, the skin loves it so much the it absorbes and penetrates so it does not feel like an oily face! Plus it has a natural SPF, and lauric acid which is a natural way to protect against infections, etc.. there are so many other benefits of using coconut oil for your skin, I've met an MT yesterday she stated she loves massaging with coconut oil, and she has massage the whole body with it, she is an esthetician now, and stated that's what she uses for her facial massage as well, and all you need is just a little bit as well! and get it unrefined (no chemicals)

I use it too, and my clients love it. They say it reminds them of being on vacation--so it is very relaxing for them. Plus it has great slip. You ned to buy the pure, organic, extra virgin oil. I find that it soaks into the skin but I always rinse afterwards anyway...not too greasy. I also make sure on my consult form that they don't have an allergy to coconut.

It scores as a #4 according to Pore Clogging according to


Highly comedogenic!

Depending on how well refined the oil is, I'd be a little careful with whom you apply the oil to. Some professionals say that using an 'unrefined, organic' oil is better than the more refined coconut oils. Coconut oil has a very small molecule and is known to be pore-clogging to some individuals. You may want to cut it with a cold-pressed grape seed oil, and emulsify it in your hands before application. Jojoba oil is a liquid wax, so be careful on whom you apply this to as well.  I chose grape seed because it is a very light oil and will carry you a long way, and is compatible with most skin-types. If the person isn't allergic to nut oils, you may want to cut the coconut oil with hazelnut oil instead. This oil is also very light in application.  


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