Hi- I am trying to make a decision about the dermafile... I am finding I prefer working with peels (I use Image) and I seldom get requests for the dermafile....

Is there a way to incorporate the dermafile into a peel? Is that ever a good idea?? Like- using it before hand and then doing the peel? as an add-on?

Is anyone doing this with Image?


Tags: Image, dermafile, peels

Views: 544

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I have used Dermafiles both in my private practice and on myself. They are a great tool because basically you are hand-polishing the face. I would call Leslie (the esthetician who created the Dermafile) and ask her for suggestions.  Her direct website is http://www.dermafile.com

By all means use the Dermafile before your peels! It's a nice exfoliation without causing any irritation. I don't imagine you will have a client ask for the Dermafile. They have probably never heard of it. It's just a great tool you use in treatment. I also like to apply one of Skin Scripts enzymes, leave on for a few minutes, add a bit of water and then Dermafile over the enzyme.

I am working closely with Lesley from Dermafile. We have a huge order of new files coming in next month. I am offering a pre-order special of free shipping and a surpirse gift. You can pop on my website to see details and/or to order. Feel free to contact me with any questions!

Thanks Shelley! I am offering the Dermafile as a separate treatment- a "Dermafile Facial" using the enzymes and then a gel masque- with a description of the tool on my site.

For peels, should I include the dermafile as a given- or as an add-on?

I would just factor it into the cost of the treatment..not as an add-on.


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