I've recently been working on numerous clients with sensitive/reactive skin.  I don't feel that my current product line is gentle enough for their skin type.  I'm new to the industry and would love some recommendations on product lines that work well with this type of skin.  I would prefer a natural/organic line since I know synthetic fragrances can really upset sensitive skin.  Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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We have been using Control Corrective products for private labeling. The current rep, Alicia Iracldes is not turning out too well. May I ask who your main contact there who listens to instructions?

Many thanks!


this is an emerging segment of our business and that's why tecniche skincare is emerging as the best new kid on the block for its amazing healing powers. www.tecniche.com

As an etsy who is known for both having this and treating this kind of skin, I use botanical science. Their calm down serum is fabulous!!!

Product Techniche was made specifically for that. 

2B Bio Beauty- Natural Skin care line and peel. There is one organic peel for all skin types it is all in how it is applied. Works from inside out and all the product line is natural and good for sensitive skin.

Mark Lees and Tuel are the only my skin tolerated. I love Skin script but my sensitive skin not as much.


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