How do I and where can I start to create a logo I have a picture, but I would like to know how to put mu company name inside and also be sure that the picture is not taken by someone else. Thank You

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Post the picture and name and I will take a stab at it. 

As far as the picture, unless you bought it or took it yourself you will never be guaranteed its unique to you. Sorry


You can check 48 hours logo.

Sorry.  What do you mean...


Hi Denise,
If you purchase a photograph or graphic image from or another royalty free website, you can use it to create your logo, but other people will be able to use the same image as well. I'm not sure what you meant by "is not taken by someone else". If you already have a picture, you need to make sure you have the rights to use it. In my opinion, Photoshop and Illustrator are the best programs to create logos. If you're not familiar with any graphic arts programs, I would suggest outsourcing the project. If you post the project on a site like, you can describe the ideas, colors and details that you would like to see in your logo and then freelancers will bid on the project. You can see their design work and then pick the designer and the price you like. You can set the deadline for 2 days for the bids to come in and let them know how quickly you would like the design to be finished. You can even let them know that in the price they bid that you would like to make one or two adjustments to their design before it is finalized. Hope this helps.

Thank you soo much for the information, I now know where to start.

Hi Denise,

You can also try They do logo projects and other jobs for $5 and up. It's a great resource and you won't be out too much money. You can pay a few people to do the project and then you'll have a few finished logos to choose from.

Thank You I will try them.

Thank You,Denise

Hi Denise, I just received my final logo today from someone I did a trade with. It's actually costing me nothing because he wasn't interested in skincare or waxing but rather dog sitting for his special needs dog while he goes on vacation! You can ask around to see if you know anyone who has a graphics design background--you never know! Here's what I ends up with...

Hi Chelle,

omg I love it! I have asked so many people cant seem to get help, Monday I called the local university to see if they can recommend a professor but no one as called me yet. Did you give the design to the graphic art person you knew or did he create it? I am not computer savay at all so for me its frustrating, but! I know I need it. I just info from aesthetic Video source I will try to see if they can help.  I have checked istockphoto to purchase the picture first, I just don't know if I can utilize that for a permanent logo. Would you friend like to take my logo project and I would pay him?

Thank You, Denise         

I can certainly ask him--he's so good. I gave him the colors of my room and he ran with it. He gave me 4 or 5 drafts and we discussed changes. Took about 2 weeks for a trade job. He is now working on my business card design and I'm going to see if he can do my pricelist post card. Let me get back to you.... :)
Hi Chelle,
Omg that would be great, I hope he does, my space that I rent is a vintage style so I am pretty much have an idea of what I want the colors are gray and like a turquoise I will send home if he decides...I'll send him the sample of my brochure and business card. Do you buy your image ? Or did he do everything?
Thank you so much,
I also want to put this on botanical science skincare line that I would like to retail. Does your image have to be a certain size?
Thank you again


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