I need some help with picking out a new light for my room. I do not use a mag lamp for extractions. I had a great light but had to stop using it b/c it was squeaking every time I would move the neck up and down and nothing would make it stop. :( The lighting in my room is very dim as it is so I need lighting for extractions and for waxing. I've tried random things but I'm just wasting money at this point.

I need something that doesn't emit any heat and also provides good lighting, preferable something that goes over the head so a shadow doesn't happen.

Any suggestions?? I've looked around and found a few but don't want to keep spending money.

Thank you!!

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Maybe a visor head lamp? - never used them before, but a possibility.

It doesn't provide enough light and it wouldn't work for waxing. :( But thanks! :)

Thank you! :)

I would try looking in a craft store. I need a new light that doesn't put off heat and I am going to look here.

I ended up just going with a mag lamp that clamps onto my counter. I didn't want to buy something online b/c I wanted to make sure it provided enough light and was sturdy enough to last and withstand being moved around, etc. I found one locally and it wasn't expensive. I even got my dad to go with me so he could double check the sturdiness of it. :)

I'm actually really excited for work on Tuesday so I can start using it! :) Ahh, the little things... :)

Thanks for everyone's help!

Hi devyn, I am also looking for a good mag light that does not emit any heat. Led lights what do you all think I saw one at the show but did not seem strong for pulling up and down and moving it around. Mine must have the stand.thank you


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