I've been having a lot of questions on good make- up lines. Most people are using department store brands. And I don't have a lot of knowledge on this and would like to hear others feedback or web sites to look at for research. Thanks!

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I must agree with Glo Minerals being great makeup as well, I used it at a medical spa I once worked at, everyone LOVED it. Great coverage, yet still light enough where you're skin can breathe; and very healthy ingredients. It's by Glo Theraputics, a skincare line (also really good skincare), if we are talking about the same one; so you miiight be able to order it online but you may possibly have to have some type of a license in the beauty industry; not sure, I know clients were able to order some of the skincare products on their own.

I have not yet uploaded my line but you can write me directly at Info@SolutionsForBeauty.com regarding our

mineral cosmetics.  Here are some details (they are NOT formulated with):

• bismuth oxychloride • talc • cheap fillers • parabens • nano-particles • micronized minerals • fd&c dyes • chemical preservatives

i tend to lean towars indie lines, that are high quality, but cost effective because your not paying for marketing, packaging, ect..

look into

obsessive compulsive cosmetics

concrete mi erals

lime crime


sugar pill

or lines like inglot, rcma, maqpro

nyx makes nice affordable products to build a kit off of... and to retail

makeup is my first love and passion... ive done theater to special effects, bridal to drag...  let me know if u have any questions

one thing to count on... is quality brushes and an exceptionl brush cleaner.  i love parian spirit for cleaning.  brushes range from mac, to smash box, to sigma, to high quality imported japanese handmde brushes.  occ makes my favorite primer, also vital.. occ also do my fav air brush.  nothing beats sugar pill mineral shadows.  occ tars are remarkable lip products, so are thr smashbox be legendary lipsticks.  mac mineralized line are great... and their dimensional podwers are lush. 

i really could go on forever.  have fun

go to beautylish.com

maqpro or cinema secrets sites

nyx.com, obsessivecomplusivecosmetics.com

p.s.  mac paint pots are god send... as primers, shadows, base shades.... i love them...  for basic eye primer, urban decay.  to set makeup... mac finishing /priming spray

If you are considering carrying makeup, remember this: 

If you looooove a serum, you will need to stock 3-6 bottles of it on the shelf at all times, so if you retail it for $120 and your wholesale is $60, your investment in retail on the shelf is $180 - $360.

If  you loooooove a makeup product, you will need to stock 3-6 containers of it on the shelf...  in 15 different colors!  So if you retail a pressed mineral foundation at $50 and your wholesale is $25, your outlay to carry just that one product is $1,125 - $2,250.

Unless you have a LOT of money to invest in a makeup line, and a dedicated staff member or two to aggressively sell it, and the traffic to support that, carrying makeup is really not ideal for the small businessperson.  The exceptions are when you are able to achieve a much higher markup, such as with private label makeup, however at least in my neighborhood, clients are very brand-focused when it comes to makeup.  

For this reason, I have developed great referral relationships with local makeup artists who have stores, and I would much rather gain their referral business than go in the h*** investing in makeup myself.  So for you, deciding what makeup to recommend may come down to visiting the local makeup boutiques, learning about their lines, doing some ingredient research, and actually picking out your favorite individual products to have your clients purchase and use.  For example, you would go in advance and identify products that are not heavily fragranced, do not contain FD&C Red colorants, do not include myristate emulsifiers, etc.  This works even better if you are able to negotiate a little reciprocal discount or perk when the clients cross from one biz over to the other.


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