What do you do differently, if anything, when doing a men's facial?  I have given my husband facials, and I have one regular male client that I've seen twice now (I took over when the esty he used to see quit) and had a few occasionals.  I pretty much do the same facial I do for women (customizing products).  Just wondering if there are different facial massage techniques for men or certain products that work better where the  beard is.  I must admit, I my hands hurt after doing facial massage over 5 o'clock shadow.  Help! 

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I know when I mention facials to men, their first comment is more geared towards the products are for women. I would recommend a men facial line, and if not try and select neutral smelling items that would make them enjoy it more. That's just a smell suggestion from my end.   For the facial massage have you ever thought about just doing a slight neck and shoulder massage. It may be a little bit more work, but your hands may like it more then the roughness of the shadow. 

A shoulder and hand and arm massage are already included in my facials, along with the facial massage.   The male client I had tonight said to me about products.."I'm a guy.  I get up 10 minutes before I have to leave for work."  So even though he wants to clear his breakouts, he's not willing to take a little extra time each day to do that.  And have you ever talked to men about wearing sunscreen every day?  They simply won't do it!  

Thanks for the reply.  Appreciate the feedback!


They love the clarisonic and high frequency.  Makes em feel special.   Bloody men and their pampering needs!! hahhaha   I worked in a male only spa for 4 years...they like it rough more than fluffy....more pressure on the neck than on the face....  

Another tip that used to work for me was instead of selling them a cleanser and an exfoliator and a moisturizer and a sunscreen and getting them to apply it step by step ..... was to tell them to leave the cleanser and exfoliator in the shower at all time and mix the two together in their hands and wash, wash, wash....dry the skin and mix the moisturizer with the spf and you are good to go.   When they think it can be done simply without any hassle they are more likely to buy.     Seriously....different species...;)

Great suggestions!  I love combining products rather than layering.

Only thing with combining...I was told that if you add an SPF to a moisturizer, it may reduce the SPF.  Dermalogica has an SPF 30 booster that if mixed, reduces it to approx SPF 15 per the trainer at IDI. 

I did use the ultrasonic spatula on him during the exfoliation phase.   That's a great idea about mixing the products.  I prefer moisturizers that already have SPF, even for myself, so I'm more apt to pick one of those for a guy.  But even my husband, who has a 'kit' I got him only puts the products on occassionally, when he remembers.  I can't even get him into a regular routine!  I agree, they are definitely a different species!

My boyfriend will use my expensive hair shampoo and conditioner ALL DAY LONG..and he does use my professional cleansers that are in the shower...but getting him to apply an eye serum for darkness is like pulling teeth and I have to put it on him.  LOL.  MEN ARE PIA's....(pain in the ....).  He only likes getting facials for the massage aspect and if I skipped the face part he would be very sad.  One person said when going over facial hair, to go in the opposite direction you normally would.  I usually tell my male clients to not shave for a day just do if I do an enzyme or something, they aren't over exfoliated.  I always suggest them to buy a clarisonic...my boyfriend does use one daily.  Usually men come in, from what I hear, to get their pores cleaned out as they put it....so lots of steam and products to soften for extractions.  I also use the PCA detox gel after my first cleanse while they are steaming and I am grabbing other products.  Works wonders.  I am hesitant when it comes to selling them products because A) they usually won't use them, B) I am worried they think the packaging is too feminine.  I know PCA has a mens line and I purchased for my bf and he hated it so who knows.  I think deep down they do like the fluffy yummy smells.  LOL

LOL - I as well apply my husbands eye cream :) Perhaps they like to feel pampered although have a hard time admitting it ! Truth be told I like doing it for him - makes me slow down and appreciate the time :)

Claire offered some great advice.  I usually always use a facial brush on my male facial clients.  I wear gloves too, this saves my fingertips from teh scruffiness of a 5 o'clock shadow.  I don't incorporate a full facial massage, instead I focus on the shoulders and head with light lymphatic work around the eyes and sinuses.  I recommend using a men's skincare line, because they are meant for the unique characteristics of a man's skin.

Any recommendations on mens skincare line, n skincare line for retailing?.....thank you

You should look into Glymeds mens line- it smells amazing- its a very sexy smell and it works great- my boyfriend has been using the shaving cream, after shave balm, and spf and his skin looks so much better- its a very basic line- since men do not like complicated things (including women) this line is great for them- and you need to try the shaving cream on yourself- it leaves your legs and other areas SO SMOOTH.

Thank You, will check that line hoping its not a minimum order.


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