What do you do differently, if anything, when doing a men's facial?  I have given my husband facials, and I have one regular male client that I've seen twice now (I took over when the esty he used to see quit) and had a few occasionals.  I pretty much do the same facial I do for women (customizing products).  Just wondering if there are different facial massage techniques for men or certain products that work better where the  beard is.  I must admit, I my hands hurt after doing facial massage over 5 o'clock shadow.  Help! 

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On the beard area always move DOWN along the jawline, rather than the lifting/upward petrissage movements that are often used for women's facials. Using more of a kneading technique or, alternately, a pressure point massage in the beard/mouth region feels better to a male client that moving against the grain of the beard. If your hands hurt, you're going the wrong way.

Using warm towels rather that 4x4s or sponges to remove products is also great, because the don't drag or catch on beard stubble. As for products, most studies show that men won't usually go for more than 3 products before they feel overwhelmed so retail multifunction products like a daily cleanser that also exfoliates or can double as a shaving gel, an oil-free moisturizer with SPF or scrub that can also be used as a deep-cleaning mask.

any skincare that u would recommend??

When applying a mask in the beard area, you can apply a aloe base so that the removal of the mask can be faster and a lot easier...

Hi Erica, which aloe base do u use or recommend? Thank You

I use a aloe mask from essential wholesale.com, Your welcome

thank U will try it.


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