Hi, I had a client yesterday that came to me specifically for extractions under her chin and on her neck. She had deep blackheads and very thick skin. I work at Massage Envy Spa so my back bar is limited to their Murad products. I used an enzyme exfoliater on her, then went in to extract, except it was almost impossible. Her skin was so thick, I hardly removed anything. So my question is this, what would you all do to treat a client like this? Unfortunately at ME I am limited, but I also booth rent. So if I were in my esty room I can branch out to peels and other tools on hand. Any suggestions please...



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not sure if this will help you... but I use the image resurfacing mask on my clients with lots of blackheads & when it comes time for extractions, there are very few left for me to deal with. :) My clients love it because it is gentle!


hmmm, sounds like that might have been an ingrown hair problem on the chin and neck - very unusual to have blackheads on the neck.

Anyway - steam is great to soften, I know that you are probably limited by time - but a few extra minutes of steam, especially if you use a softening pre-extraction product (I don't think murad has one, but you can pick up the Bioelements softening gel at any beauty supply place.

Or if you have galvanic equipment, a few minutes on the negative setting will also soften everything up.

@Kristen - are you asking about how to extract the blackheads or how to treat her skin to prevent the blackheads? For extracting blackheads, I use a round-end size 00 and 0 extractor from Cosmoprof - http://www.cosmoproshop.com/roundendextractor-size00refk220.aspx     They are cheap and fabulous!  I get some phenomenal leverage with them.  With blackheads on the neck (this actually is quite common), be sure and reeeally stretch the skin when you go to extract.

I gave a demo at the Long Beach trade show at the General Session - you might pick up some tips by watching my video.  Extraction Demo

As for treating the skin with products, that is a much longer discussion.  If you want to know more about that, shoot me an email. laura@facerealityacneclinic.com

Thank you ladies for the tips.

@Cindy they were definitely blackheads, no hair at all in the area. I was actually surprised at her skin condition. I have not really experienced this before other than the occasional black head here and there. I did do some extra steam, but still had no luck at all. And unfortunately at ME we are not allowed to use any tools, we literally just do facials there.

But @ Laura, I watched your video and HAVE to have that little tool, it looks fabulous. Do you also use it on the nose? We were not allowed to use tools in school, but I think they are necessary on some clients to get to small crevices that my fingers do not fit into.


Thank you ladies : )

@Kristen - if they have actual blackheads on the nose I will use it (gingerly!) there. BUT, what looks like blackheads on the nose usually are not blackheads - they are sebaceous filaments and are supposed to be there.  NO need to extract those - they are oil glands and will come right back.  See my blog post about that - Those Are Not Blackheads in Your Nose

@ Laura, Thanks for the links! I would love to work with you so I could just learn & learn & learn! 

@Celine - I do have a training DVD if you want to learn my whole protocol.  Let me know if you are interested.

hi laura! thank you for sharing such great information!  I would like to learn more from you and am interested about your training dvd! 


I am most definitely interested in your training video. As Celina pointed out, I too would love to shadow you just to soak it all in like a sponge!

Thank you!


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