The Acne Lab - Lafayette, CO

Here's a new Acne Specialist that just got certified by us and is now creating her own acne clinic.  She's getting the word out using the media - this is her second article in two weeks.  she's gonna have a great business!

I love what she said, ""I'm not recreating the wheel, I'm making it accessible," she said.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello!  How do you become a 'Certified Acne Specialist?'  This weekend I will be getting an Oncology Certification.  I would love an acne one, too.  Especially because I still really suffer from it, myself.

I, too, would like to know how you get acne certified . . . Thank you for all your knowledge!!!

@Julie, @Caroline - I have a training DVD called Proven Strategies for Treating Acne which is a comprehensive step-by-step protocol that my acne clinic uses to have a 95% success rate with our acne clients.  In order to have access to our wholesale line of products, you need to purchase the training DVD and then take our online test, pass with 100%, and you are then certified by us.  That allows you to buy our products and get support for all of your difficult cases. 

There are estheticians who are certtified by us around the country who are setting up acne clinics based on our business model.  Their businesses are growing so fast that they are having to hire employees to keep up with the demand.  For more info about it go here:

Acne Specialist Certification

Feel free to call me if you need more information after reading the website. 866 477 3077.

Hi Laura,

Do you need to have your esthetic license before you can be certified? I am a student graduating in Dec 2012 and will be specializing in acne.



HI Hong

Anyone can buy the DVD - it would be good to get it now and study it.  Then when you are licensed you can then take the test and get certified by us. 


I just purchased your DVD. I am extremely excited and can't wait to receive it!



Hong, they have so much info, I've only been out of school a year and recently certified with them. It will start you off on the right foot, I think. I've learned so much.


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