Having problems getting someone clear?


Having a hard time with compliance issues?


Need new ideas for products or treatments?

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When people talk about the treatments they do, can everyone say the product line?  It helps me get more familiar with the lines I don't work with.  I use PCA peels mostly, occasionally for severe issues I use Biomani strond unbuffered peels.  I use Bioelements for facials and our product line we sale is Alyria which will only disburse from a medical spa with a Doctor on staff.
@Karen - yes of course.

Hi Laura, Im very interest with all  your  explanation .Honestly I never get a good result when did acne treatment to my client. Pls tell me what the brand product you use? If you don't mind could you send me the dvd too. so I can study and I want to see you at Miami conference .

Hi Sherly - to order my training DVD go here.  Once you study the dvd you will start to get amazing results with your acne clients.  I have my own wholesale line of acne products and it is explained in detail how and when to use them.  I probably won't go to the Miami conference this year but hope to catch you sometime!

Laura, need your advice.  I have a long distance client, asian, lots of stress, grade III.  Using gly cleanser, bp5%, vit A and sunscreen.  She shares that overall things have cleared up but she is getting 1-2 breakouts and they are cystic and painful.  Hyperpigmentation seems worse.  She has been on this trtmt. since 3/23/11.  I am not able to treat her weekly as she is in NY.  Do I just tell her to keep up the work and give it time?  She has not been compliant in the past but this time I believe she is doing the work.  Thank you.
Hi Brenda - If she is still inflamed, I wouldn't have her on vitamin a, I would have her on a mandelic serum (or salicylic if you don't have mandelic).  Mandelic would also help with the pih.  Is she icing after cleansing? That's also key at this point.
Thank you, Laura.  I will discuss with her, hasn't sent me new pictures yet so not sure of the level of inflammation.  I did tell her to ice.
Laura, what shampoo would you recommend for a person with inflammed acne on the forehead?  I suspect that my client's hair products are aggrevating his acne.  Any suggestions?
Hi Virginia - I replied to your private email. -Laura

Hi Laura,  thank you so much!  That is a great list. 

Hi Laura,

Do you recommend using a lancet on blackheads that are under the skin but raised like milia?


Sometimes I do if I can't leverage them out with my extractor.


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