
Acne Specialists

For anyone currently treating acne and those who are interested in treating acne.

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Inflamed before/after and Noninflamed before/after - Laura Cooksey (Face Reality Acne Clinic)

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Smorgasbord Acne 1 Reply

I have a female client with ALOT of various acne issues.  (I asked her if she ever tried xyz and the answer is no. Omg!)  The obvious surface and deeply buried bumps are easily extracted; it's the…Continue

Started by BettyBliss. Last reply by Laura Cooksey Nov 13, 2017.

What challenges are you having with your acne clients? 55 Replies

Having problems getting someone clear? Having a hard time with compliance issues? Need new ideas for products or treatments?Continue

Started by Laura Cooksey. Last reply by Laura Cooksey Nov 15, 2016.

Noncomedogenic liquid foundation 3 Replies

I am currently studying for my Face Reality Certification and would love to find an acne safe liquid foundation that has medium coverage and not too drying.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!!Continue

Started by Kim Rickolt. Last reply by BettyBliss Nov 1, 2016.

Newly Redesigned Website - FREE Articles in Acne Information Center 2 Replies

I'm very excited to share my newly updated website. I've expanded my Acne Information…Continue

Tags: training, clinic, reality, face, acne

Started by Laura Cooksey. Last reply by Laura Cooksey Mar 10, 2015.


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Comment by Brenda Griffin on November 7, 2012 at 5:56pm

Nicole, great advice from Sheila about dairy, full of hormones.  No sushi, no peanut butter, no peanut oil, no lunch meats, no salty foods, no dryer sheets, no fabric softener.  Also, great advice about the zinc and omega 3.

The BP from RA looks ok, some of them have pore cloggers in them.

The mandelic from RA doesn't give % and the mandelic is actucally #5 on the ingredient deck so not sure how active it is.  Lower than 5 and it's not very active.  Mandelic is also an anti-fungal, great for treating acne.

The retinol from RA also is #5 in the ingedient deck, might not be strong enough.


Shelia, high frequency is great to use on acne after extractions.

Comment by Soynia Cosby on November 7, 2012 at 5:34pm

@ Nicole, thank you for being brave enough to share, I already see a similarity. We both use(d) Image skincare. 

Comment by Soynia Cosby on November 7, 2012 at 5:29pm

Right now I am using Image Skincare anti-aging exfoliant two times a week. I use an organic glycolic facial cleanser (it's gentle and doesn't have any coconut derivatives or enzymes) Also my Clairsonic 3 times a week.

I am very allergic to coconut. I use an SPF 15 everyday, no moisturizer because I tend to get oily and my allergies react through my skin mostly. 

Recently I started peeling every two weeks with an M.A.Dermaceuticals Acne peel, alternated with Brightening peel. Recently a redness rescue serum everywhere for what looks like uticaria or atopic dermatitis.

Comment by Sheila Gordon on November 7, 2012 at 5:16pm

I am sure Laura can steer you in the right direction Nicole.  Keep your head up and definitely do not stop treating clients because of skin issues.  They actually will probably feel more comfortable knowing you are going through the same thing.  I break out hormonally on my chin, undergrounds, every month and I tell my clients, even I break out so you are not alone but we will figure this out together.  I just bought an at home high frequency from an Esthetic show and I am hoping that helps.  I would think maybe adding some vitamins that Laura suggests like Zinc, Omega's, and maybe even digestive enzymes.  It is my understanding that cheek breakouts could be a digestion issue.  Avoid dairy if possible and keep a daily log for a little while noting what you are doing, skin care routine, what you are eating, if you were stressed/hormonal, etc and see if you can't find any similarities.  Just suggestions but Laura is the expert :).  We are lucky to have this forum!!

Comment by NBSkinCare on November 7, 2012 at 3:43pm

@Katrina  the RA Mandelic was helping, I just haven't used it in the last week since starting the topical Antibiotic because I wasn't sure when to use it (before, after, am pm).  I got confused  :)

I don't know the %... here's the info from RA:

I put off using a topical antiBiot for a long time, and finally started one because I was desperate.  I figured it can't hurt, right?  Maybe I'm wrong there...?

@Brenda:  I am using a BPO gel, but admittedly very sporadically.  Thanks for the info, I will do that.  What do you think of this one by RA:

Here is the ChronoPeptide A that I'd like to use, too:

You guys are SO helpful!  thanks for working through this with me.

Comment by Brenda Griffin on November 7, 2012 at 3:23pm

Nicole, I'll jump in with some info.  I do not know the RA line so I'll just make suggestions.  You need a leave on BP, use every day, no missing, start gradually, 3 days 15 minutes wash off, 3 days 30 minutes wash off, 3 days 45 minutes wash off, keep working up to two hours this way and then leave on all night.  A BP wash isn't going to cut it.  Ice the undergrounders for 2 min to bring down inflammation.  What % is your mandelic?  I would go back to it.  It will help with the post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.  Put this on after you do the BP routine.  Your thyroid issues are a problem and not sure how you're going to get around this.  The two meds I'm aware of to stay away from are Thiourea and Thioracil.  Your make-up seems to be ok.  Hope this helps.

Comment by Katrina Kulm on November 7, 2012 at 3:20pm

Nicole, did you feel like the Rhonda Allison Mandelic serum was not working? Is that mainly why you discontinued it? What percent is it? Antibiotics such as Clindymicin Gel does not work, Dermatologist always prescribes antibiotics but that is not the main cause of acne as I'm sure Laura will explain on here but here is some information directly from her website "Acne is not a bacteria problem – it is an inherited tendency of too many dead skin cells within the pores. Antibiotics do NOTHING to address this underlying cause. According to Dr. James Fulton, co-developer of Retin A, even if you had an antibiotic that killed 100% of the bacteria, you would still have an acne problem."

Comment by NBSkinCare on November 7, 2012 at 3:07pm

Oh, Yay, figured out how to post Pics.  I am wearing a bit of powder, so the redness is muted some.


Comment by NBSkinCare on November 7, 2012 at 3:02pm

I should add, that the breakouts are looking much better since I switched from using Image products (glycolic is too harsh for me and Image is very glycolic heavy).  the Rhonda Allison line has helped a lot and brought some inflammation down, and helped reduce the breakouts.  But its just not going away.

Also, I got a facial last week so that I could have someone else do my extractions.  Looked great after, but there are still so many 'underground'!

Comment by NBSkinCare on November 7, 2012 at 3:00pm

I need help with my skin, too.  I feel for you Soynia, because I feel like giving up sometimes and I definitely have days where I am embarrassed to be in skin care when I can't seem to get a grip on my own skin issues!

I get inflamed breakouts and lots of 'undergrounders' (whether blackheads or closed).  Funny thing is, my t zone is CLEAR.  Just my cheeks break out.  Constantly, consistently breaking out.  And lots of red marks from healing/old scars/ picking (from before I knew better) :)

Maybe someone on here can help me?

Here's my current regimen:


Beta Green Tea Cleanser (Rhonda Allison)

Clindymicin Gel (just started this last week-effected areas only)

Growth Factor Gel (RA)

Amino Peptide Moisturizer (RA)


Beta Green Tea

Clindymicin gel

2-3x per week in evening BPO wash (5% I think)

Before I started using the clindymicin gel, I was using the RA Mandelic serum.  Now, I'm not sure where to fit it in (before antibiotic gel, after, day/night?).  I also have the ChronoPeptide A from RA that I think would be great for my skin issues (its a gentler form of Retinol creme), but, again, not sure where to place it in the order of my regimen.

I have some health issues, too.  Autoimmune thyroid disorder.  Recent blood work showed very low cortisol, too.  I suspect my thyroid medication is a culprit in my breakouts, but I have to have it.  My recent antibody test showed that my antibody count was VERY high (2,000+... should be close to 0) so internally I am a wreck.

I wear no blush or bronzer, ever.  I use Cargo's Blu Ray pressed powder almost daily, take it off immediately when I am home.  It covers the redness and breakouts OK, but I am still so embarrassed to work some days when my face looks like this!


Anyone wanna tackle this?


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