
Acne Specialists

For anyone currently treating acne and those who are interested in treating acne.

Members: 538
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2019

Inflamed before/after and Noninflamed before/after - Laura Cooksey (Face Reality Acne Clinic)

Discussion Forum

Smorgasbord Acne 1 Reply

I have a female client with ALOT of various acne issues.  (I asked her if she ever tried xyz and the answer is no. Omg!)  The obvious surface and deeply buried bumps are easily extracted; it's the…Continue

Started by BettyBliss. Last reply by Laura Cooksey Nov 13, 2017.

What challenges are you having with your acne clients? 55 Replies

Having problems getting someone clear? Having a hard time with compliance issues? Need new ideas for products or treatments?Continue

Started by Laura Cooksey. Last reply by Laura Cooksey Nov 15, 2016.

Noncomedogenic liquid foundation 3 Replies

I am currently studying for my Face Reality Certification and would love to find an acne safe liquid foundation that has medium coverage and not too drying.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!!Continue

Started by Kim Rickolt. Last reply by BettyBliss Nov 1, 2016.

Newly Redesigned Website - FREE Articles in Acne Information Center 2 Replies

I'm very excited to share my newly updated website. I've expanded my Acne Information…Continue

Tags: training, clinic, reality, face, acne

Started by Laura Cooksey. Last reply by Laura Cooksey Mar 10, 2015.


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Comment by Laura Cooksey on November 6, 2012 at 11:42am

@Soynia - I wouldn't do that, but tell me, what are you doing for your skin? I might be able to hep you with that.

Comment by Soynia Cosby on November 4, 2012 at 7:01pm

As a professional that wants to help others with skin problems yet still battling with them myself - should I put all skincare services on hold until my skin is 100%?  

Comment by Laura Cooksey on October 3, 2012 at 9:35pm

Hi Martha - I'm so sorry, there's no way for me to determine if that particular cream is what you need, or what is breaking you out.  Acne takes a long time to form actually.  If you see break outs, it could be something you did a month ago!  "Breakouts" from products are usually allergic reactions which can mimic acne.

Do you have an ingredient deck you can send me?  Can you use benzoyl peroxide where you are?

Comment by Martha Nduta on October 1, 2012 at 3:39am

@ Laura , i have been using Glycolic acid 8% +phytic acid 4% (light ceutic dermaceutic cream) for the last two days to clear acne hyperpigmentation ,my problem is this morning i woke up with new breakouts on my chin.My acne had totally cleared up and am now looking to clear darkspots.

Will my skin get used to this cream? Is there a better way of dealing with the spots?

Comment by Lucie Margot on September 16, 2012 at 10:52am

A fantastic protocol, great results.

Comment by Sheila Gordon on August 28, 2012 at 5:05pm

thank you so much Laura!  Just helps to be able to logically explain to the client what is taking place and why you still feel the bump under the skin for weeks after.  I would love to get your cd and information once my finances allow me to.  just starting a new business can be a little tough as I am sure you know.  I appreciate you getting back to me and all of the wonderful Estheticians on here that are so willing to share. 

Comment by Laura Cooksey on August 28, 2012 at 11:59am

@Sheila - she needs to get onto the right products for her type of acne.  If it is noninflamed acne (that's what it sounds like), then she will need a scrub, mandelic serum (and later on a vitamin a propionate serum) and also benzoyl peroxide.  All of those need to be used in the correct way, slowly at first and then increased frequency every two weeks. 

There really is no supplement or mineral that will have much of an impact on her skin - it's all in her homecare regimen that will clear her skin.

As for your second post - I call this an "undergrounder".  What happens is that the follicle wall becomes weak during times of stress (not enough sleep, bad diet, pms) and then the lesion starts to come to the surface.  But then as the follicle wall strengthens again (more sleep, better diet, pms done) it starts to go back down, but it never completely goes away.  The best thing for this is to ice it and have your client use bpo all over the area every day to keep any acne from forming in the first place.  Start slowly!  15 minutes a day to start, then wash it off.  Double the time every 4th day until they wear the bpo for 2 hours a day.  On the fourth day they will finally wear the bpo overnight. That's at least a good start - she will probably need a good antibacterial exfoliant serum like mandelic to add into the mix as well.  If you want to know more about how my acne clinic works with this kind of acne and about our products, email me at

Comment by Sheila Gordon on August 27, 2012 at 8:22am

Laura, I was just on your website reading aboout Cystic acne.  Maybe I am not calling what I am seeing correctly.  What is it called when you get a very large swollen papule but it never comes to a head but remains under the skin for what seems like forever??  What is the proper way to explain to the client what exactly is going on and why that fluid seems to remain under the skin for so long, even after the redness subsides? 

Comment by Sheila Gordon on August 26, 2012 at 5:08pm

I have a client that has acne much like the bottom picture, small tiny bumps almost rash like all over and then a few cystic areas that pop up through out the month.  She has seen a specialist that tested her for mineral deficiencies and she is taking loads of mineral and vitamins.  She is on zinc but is says zinc for liver something, is that the same zinc you recommend for acne?  Also she is taking a B complex among others.  I read about the probiotic (not sure if she is on one) or digestive enzymes.  She definitely has digestion and hormone issues but isn't able to take birth control or anything.   She is on the skin scripts moderate acne kit, just starting) but I am wondering what else I can suggest to her supplement wise or to help her.  She isd about 30 and has battled this for 15 years and not able to get under control.  Also, I have always wondered this too as I suffer from more cystic type breakouts around my period...what makes them cystic?  Why are they so inflammed but never come to a head?  Is there anything that can be done to reduce swelling?  Why do they linger around for sometimes 2 weeks or more?  I know mine will go away but I can still feel swelling under the skin.  I am not sure how to explain this most effectively of why this happens.  I know I am asking a lot and probably am a bit confusing, I just really want to understand what is going on.  Thanks Laura!!

Comment by Laura Cooksey on August 16, 2012 at 12:26pm

@Martha - if she used hydroquinone for many years or in high strengths, she could suffer from ochronosis which is very difficult to treat.  I believe that ochronisis damages the melanocytes which creates pigment.  Do some research on it - some lasers have been found to be effective.

We use mandelic acid serums as a great alternative to hydroquinone lighteners.


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