Does anyone have a Facial Implement Cleaning and Disinfection Record form to share? I’ve located a Whirlpool Footspa Cleaning and Disinfection Record form, but I’m unable to locate anything for our (skincare) recordkeeping.



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I meant Cleaning and Disinfectant form...LOL! Sorry! I shouldn't type while sleepy! :-)

Hi Lugenia, we are working on this at ASCP! I think you were the person who contacted us yesterday to ask about it? We've been looking around at the types of forms that are available (I saw the same whirlpool footspa form!) and we are going to put something together.

If you and others reading this post have any particular ideas about what you'd like to see on a cleaning/disinfection form, or details about how you would be using it in your own practice, that would help us make something that will be the most useful for everyone. At the moment I'm thinking, basically it would have places to fill in what implement, whether this is a daily/weekly/other scheduled cleaning, what cleaning or disinfection product is used, a date, and the name of the person who did the clean/disinfect.

Hi Carrie, yes, I did call, and thanks for moving forward with this project.

I’m going to review our (Texas) law book to see what exactly they are requesting. Also, I realize each state is different, but my guess is that all are similar, and if not, at least we’ll have something to guide us. Thanks again!

I made some in excel like whirlpool- I have by category- and all have the directions for washing, sterilization/disinfection/

along with date / time and initial of person that does

Example: Implement:steamer
directions : to be cleaned with vinager and distilled water every Monday. Then run with only water after rinse.
Last Monday of month soak in .........
. Daily -wipe down with X disinfectant . Clean water holder with hot soap and water then rinse well and spray with alcohol after drying at end of day.

Excel example
when Monday-
what- vinager rinse-
Who- NL-initials
date- 10/2/13-1pm

Daily- check and initial with time
after disinfection Date / time/ what you used

Tools- wash with hot soap and water, place in disinfectant for 15 minutes...
Then sterilize in dry.. So on and so forth

I'm not sure what facial implements you are referring to but for me having a daily log in sheet for cash flow and this helps- online ( backup) or all on clip board to start will remind you to check and initial. Keep it simple. Have type, protocol, time, and who preformed.

Also in PA we have rules and regulations handbook to keep on file at office. Add your own handbook with msds sheets kept near. Maybe the school you attended or state boards can help.
I only looked at whirlpools after you mentioned.
Hi Natalie, thanks for sharing. Yes, I will revisit our state rules book to see if I've missed anything. Thanks again!


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