Hi all!  I am looking into information on what other businesses are paying their estys:

I currently work P/T for a salon earning a commission (all backbar & retail supplied).  I also work at home.  I would like to combine my clients to the salon but feel I have invested so much in my equipment and products that the commission I earn at the salon would not be fair to me.  I also think that paying a high rent would not provide me with any income, as my client base is small at this time.

Does anyone pay rent + commission?  Or have different commission levels based on sales amounts?  Any info/suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, how do backbar costs and retail commission fit into your current situation?  Thanks!!

FYI, the salon is more "spa" atmosphere and I am more clinical at home so I want to combine that as well and incorporate the lines I use at home.  The spa owner is very open to ideas and I want to propose a salary plan that is fair to both of us.

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I am in a very similar situation to yourself right now Trish.  I work from home and have built up a nice amount of clientele and have the opportunity to either rent or work off commission in a location that I really like, which is a goal I am working towards, but just not sure of all the numbers.  Seems like there is no real boiler plate way to do this-every owner has a different way...This salon owner is also very open, just not sure how to go about making it fair for everyone


Looking forward to hearing about all the wonderful, insightful experiences, situations and knowledge all you skin care professionals have!

I rent space for my business and just hired a manicurist. She will be self- employed with an agreed commission as her rental. She only wants to work one day a week so its great for me to have her skills and works with her personal needs. As her business increases we will renegotiate her contract with a cap on commission and then she agrees to go to flat fee rental status.

That sounds very fair & reasonable Andrea.

Wish me luck, I am meeting with her on Sunday after Thanksgiving! 


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