Hello everyone,

My name is Belinda, I'm a massage therapist and i just graduated esthetics school. A friend of  mine who own a hair salon is offering to rent me a room for $20 a day. Since I'm already working i will only have two days to work at her salon. Because I'm so new at this field can you guys offer any ideas, advice and products recommendation please. The room is very big but there is a lot of noise. Instead of doing full hour facials i was thinking of doing waxing to begin with because she only does hair. And mini treatments to focus on a specific problem for 20-25 minutes where the client doesn't really need to be relax. But as of right now i don't really know what products to use that's good and doesn't require a large start up cost. And i wanna know if i will need any other license or permit to work there. Thank you so much for the help. And really any ideas will be appreciated.

Ps. can anybody recommend any good books for me to read as a new esthetician?

Tags: Products, advice, books, business, dual, esthetician, license, new, rent, spa, More…treatments, waxing

Views: 553

Replies to This Discussion

i too just started working at a hair salon, and we are upstairs but it can get loud, The massage therapist has a sound machine that seems to work great. i turn up my music loud, and that usually blocks out the salon noise too. Bioelements only costs about 500 fora  start up kit. I would suggest maybe only doing massage and waxing but supply yourself with enough for a facial becuase people will start asking you what else you offer, and you want to be ready for that. I am an esthetician starting massage therapy school next week.



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