Hello fellow estheticians and business owners. I am seeking your professional advice. Currently we employ estheticians and are looking to bring on board a medical esthetician. She is under a doctor's license to perform laser treatments for hair removal and skin resurfacing, pixel, ipl as well as microdermabrasion. She would be a great addition to our staff but I have no clue what to pay her. She has received advanced training and certification through the laser company and regularly attends advanced courses alongside doctors and nurses for advanced education.

What do you pay your medical estheticians?

Should I do salary or a commission style pay scale?

Do you offer any other perks...401K, health insurance, paid vacations?


I want to be fair in paying what she is worth.


Thanks in advance!

Tags: ascp, esthetician, esthetics, medical, pay, salary

Views: 162

Replies to This Discussion

Hi abby,
Would love your input on acquiring and building medical skin practice. I ended up not bring on the esthy as mentioned in my previous post. We currently have a dermatologist that I space share our facility with, which gives us access to a doctor on site at all times, so we are able to offer laser hair removal, photo rejuvenation, peels and medical skin products.
Thank you in advance,
Morgan Miller


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