hello all!

This post is an off-shoot from a discussion in another forum. I will be starting my 5th year of business in January and was seeking ideas to promote that accompishment. One of the wonderful replies suggested local news coverage...I had never thought beyond our local paper. I think this is a fantastic idea but honestly have no idea where to even begin seeking out a feature story. Does anyone have any ideas or advice as to how I can go about this?  Thank you so much!



Tags: advice, local, media, news, newspaper

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Skin Deep has had a few articles on getting media coverage, mostly from way back - here's a link to one from Jan/Feb 2010, http://skindeep.idigitaledition.com/issues/2/28

I think the secret to getting media coverage is to find an angle that is topical or will grab the news/radio audience. On its own, most people won't care that a business has been going for 5 years, so you have to turn it into something like how you overcame the recession to stay in business, or how you are living your dream because of your grandmother's inspiring example, or the amazing skin cream that you invented yourself out of recycled sports socks. Those ideas are just me being silly, but you see what I mean ... think of what you're known for, and see where you can go with that.

I too am hosting a Special Event and so thanks for the link Carrie!

Inquire to your local news media corporation of choice & ask questions about how this can be accomplished.

I've been on local news twice. The first time I bugged the segment newscaster until he came out and taped me. I got his name from a friend that was on the news with him months before. The second time was for Spaweek in 2008. I did a live Microcurrent treatment on a friend from church. (It was nerve wracking but so fun. And the time flew by. I was like, that was four minutes already?!). That was arranged by the people from Spa Week and the local NBC station. They called the salon and asked for volunteers to do it. Everyone but me chickened out. It was so worth it though. Now I have links to those segments on my website demonstrating my expertise for potential clients. Pretty cool!

My advice would be to watch your local news and see who does lots of news on Antiaging or acne or natural cures or whatever your niche is. Then make contact with them. They are always seeking new and interesting material for their audiences. Then politely call every week until you get your coverage. It will happen! Even if only to get you off their back. ;). Go for it!


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