I'm updating my website to take advantage of the new ASCP web builder. Since I am redoing my site I was toying with not posting my service rates.  What is your opinion on posting service rates on your website?  I see some Spas that have their rates posted and others that do not.  Does not posting service rates deter prospective clients from calling to make appointments?

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As a consumer/customer, it irritates me when I can't find information and prices and I will either take the time to call about rates or I will just find a place that does post rates.  And if I did call I know I would ask why the rates are not published.  Some places don't post rates to bring/draw clients in to ask about rates.  Some may not post and say it's because the rates can depend and vary depending upon the customers' needs.  Microdermabrasion, for example - I would ask and want to  know how a microdermabrasion service can really vary that much in rates from person to person.  I don't like surprises when it comes to money.  I would want at least a base price and then a side note saying rates sometimes can vary.  Remember...this is from my customer perspective, well, me as a customer.  Especially in these economic times people are really watching their money and budgets and even a few dollars can make a difference for some.   I guess since you say you are toying with the idea not to post rates, what would you want the customer to do?  Meaning would you want them to book an appointment and not ask about rates until them pay?  Do you want a client to call in so a staff member can use it as an opportunity to make a great first impression?  Customers calling for prices can open doors for the staff member to ask more open ended questions and to talk about other services, specials, even and turn into a mini consultation.  Sorry for rambling on here, but hopefully some pieces made sense.  I'm eager to hear what others have to say.

I agree with Julie!

Just a bit more feedback for you - I asked a couple of friends and family members and they all said they would go to another search if there were no prices posted.

@Julie, thank you for your input and that of your family and friends.  It is most helpful.  I have my pricing currently published on my website but I wanted to see what other service providers thought about the issue. 

@Jill, thank you as well.


You are so welcome, Virginia!  I'm glad I asked family and friends, too, just to get more feedback since Jill and I were the only respondents.  I just love this networking forum, as it has been so helpful to get advice and feedback on so many different topics.  This place is by far my favorite!

Hi Virginia,

As a service provider, I always post my prices, so people who have a particular price range in mind know if my prices are a good fit for them. As a customer, I don't like having to hunt down basic info. like pricing. I explain on my website what makes my pricing a good value, and I point out money-saving packages I offer for those who are interested. Julie's points were also very good, I thought.


I always post pricing. I don't have time to answer the phone just to give a price! Pricing up front instills a more immediate trust in us as professionals. Im all about clarifying a question on a service though. Clients hear and read so many descriptions that they will have questions on various services and they should be helped to find the one that is right for them!


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