I was licensed this year and have opened a fairly small private treatment room in my home.  I have done services for friends and their family and plan to build my business by referral.

There is a smallish "Women's Show" in my town coming up in November.  I was thinking of renting a table to widen my possible client base.

I am looking for suggestions or ideas.  I can obviously stand there with my brochures & business cards but what would really get attention?  I thought I could bring my makeup chair and offer demo microcurrent eye lifts.  (Any walk-ups would have to fill out/sign a client consent card.)


Have any of you marketed this way?  The least expensive table is 150.00. 

Thanks for any & all ideas, suggestions and responses.


Julia in Woodinville, WA

Views: 242

Replies to This Discussion

We have done similar promotions and found some successful and others not so much. Offering demonstrations or sample treatments work well if you link them with a promotion. For example if you demonstrate microcurrent offer a discount for a microcurrent facial if they book an appointment while at the event, that way you get immediate bookings to guage the value of the event. Good Luck!
I just did one and it was fun. I had a friend come with me, my product rep and brought my mobile credit card service with a lap top. Things to consider: Who is there? Are they close enough to book and repeat? What products sell easily (bring some.) I did a raffle and it was fun while making money. Raffled an "Express facial" option to upgrade and a package of 3 brow waxes. (got them in the door a few times with low cost) I did 5 minute hand facials while my friend and rep sold services and product. It was fabulous! I hope this helps :) Just be you and you'll draw the crowd you want.

I've done a couple - my first was with another esty and we offered all these services and brought all this equipment and supplies and didn't make squat.  Totally not worth all the effort.  The next I did alone in my home town, I offered free hand massages and $5 paraffin hand dips and brought a couple makeup products to retail.  I did better and got some emails but no real clients.  The paraffin was not travel friendly however - I wanted to warm it up prior to setting up and had to start it at home.  I am scheduled to do one again early next year and am looking for new ideas.  I love your microcurrent idea - but I don't have the equipment.  Love Laura's idea also, but I only have a woods lamp and not sure it would be dark enough to use it at the booth.

Raffles and booking specials are great ideas also...keep them coming!  The creative juices are flowing!  Thanks everyone!



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