I have a question I asked in another group that I hope is ok to post here in this group.

"Hi everyone, I am in the market for a new ultrasonic skin scrubber and I see the prices ranging from $29 - $250 . My question is " does the price really determine the quality of the equipment ?" I don't want to buy something so cheap I am dissappointed in its effectiveness, feeling as if I had wasted money and have to buy a new one. But at the same time I don't want to spend more than I need to for equipment when there is something out there very effective for the job and cost effective for my purse. Your thoughts ? What has been your experience with purchasing any equipment are the more expensive units better ?"

Tags: equipment, price, quality, tools

Views: 173

Replies to This Discussion

I bought one once off amazon and it was so crappy I returned it.  I definitely think price makes a huge difference.  Maybe you don't need the $250 but I would say at least over $100.  I am headed to IECSC this weekend and I will keep my eye out for pricing there and quality.  I think SHelly uses a nice hand held one...maybe speak to her. 

I think you are very right Sheila ! I have been having my eye on the one Shelley sells and also one with Bio Therapeutics which is slightly higher in price than the one Shelley promotes. I'm just weighing my options, wanting the most bang for my bucks...definitely don't wanna purchase something and be dissappointed ! Thanks for your input .

I got one from Tei Spa from the Vegas show last June. It was on special for $225 and it was total crap by August. Not happy! I am usually super careful about what I buy and how I spend my money but this one got away from me. :( Do NOT buy from them.
I'm in California and we had a trade show in September and so I got another one and paid $180+tax. I had already done my research so I knew this was a good one. They are based in New York but super easy to contact. I cannot think of the name right now but I will get back to you on that if you are interested. I know many people that have this same one and they all love it too.
Price has something to do with quality but it definitely isn't everything!
Just stay away from Tei Spa! I tried to get my money back with no response. Seems a little shady that my tool would stop working well in less than 3 months.
Hope this helps! :)

Wow, that was a bad deal and worse the company has bad customer service ! Thanks for that tip Skintherapist. Yeah, if you can let me know the name of the company you got yours from. Im interesting in checking out all of my options and sources.

Yes i believe the price determines the quality very much.  The clarisonic is excellent. that would be the only one I would get, which i do have one. I would think the lower priced ones will work nicely, however the results are the best with clarisonic.


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