I have found that mandelic is indispensable for treating acne.  Because of it's many properties it can even treat skin conditions that I sometimes don't even recognize!  It's antibacterial and antifungal, so it treats folliculitis as well.  Folliculitis looks alot like acne but doesn't extract quite like acne; and benzoyl peroxide will do nothing for it.  Alot of people will have both folliculitis and acne, so it's nice to have a product that addresses both.


Here's a post on my blog about folliculitus along with a picture so you can recognize it if you don't know what it looks like.


Blog about Folliculitis

Tags: acne, folliculitis, mandelic

Views: 1315

Replies to This Discussion

Sorry, I must've misunderstood your statement "Our products never contain SLS, Parabens, Phtalates, mineral oil, glycols, gluten, madicinal ingredients, etc. and can be used everyday along with other products to increase local circulation, and as a gentle antimicrobial as well."


I also do not know the specific molecular structure of the mandelic that I am using - all I know is that it is L-Mandelic. (I'm not a chemist, I'm an esthetician).


Thank you for all your very detailed information and references.  I must say it is refreshing to see someone in the medical field doing something different than the usual protocol of antibiotics, retinoids and/or isotretinoin.

Yes I agree that jojoba is a wonderful non-comedogenic and multifunctional emollient. I have written about it on several occasions and use it myself on my own acne-prone skin. However, I would never use avocado or olive oil on my skin, or on any clients' skin that is oily or even combination since they are pore clogging, and you have them in your oily skin moisturizer along with the jojoba.


And I also agree with Laura that it is nice to see your approach coming from a background such as yours.

@Dr. Emerald - I was looking at your skin care line and was curious to know if you use the Kelp Nourishing Facial Oilfor your acne patients?

This thread has gone a bit wonky, but I just wanted thank you, Laura, for always providing such great information.  One day when my business has grown enough (I need to make some money, before I can spend some), I will definitely be ordering your DVD so I can try some of your products.  My own son has stage 2/3 acne and I know this is just the ticket for his skin. 

In the meantime, can you make some recommedations on resources for alternative professional mandelic products?  I know that Vivant uses mandelic, has no minimum and can be ordered by estheticians.  Are there other products you are aware of.  (Again, I would love to order from your company, but I am a bit hindered by the certification $ right *now*.)

I am fascinated by the acne imposters.  No wonder this is such a mystery for so many!


Julia in Woodinville, WA


(I took a spin through the other website/product line that is being discussed here.  I am not impressed with the multiple mispellingstypos and language on that site.  Just saying.  You can have detailed research, but if your site tells people they are doing something "wrong" - that seems less than helpful.)


Hi Julia

Thanks for the kudos - glad you are learning about acne!


There are not too many resources for mandelic.  And also, what is most important is how someone uses the right products, not just having the right products.  What you might want to do in the meantime is have your son become a long-distance client of ours.  He can then get our products and our coaching and you can learn alot by watching how we manage his homecare (the coaching is free).  If you are interested, go here:

Long Distance Clients



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