I have found that mandelic is indispensable for treating acne.  Because of it's many properties it can even treat skin conditions that I sometimes don't even recognize!  It's antibacterial and antifungal, so it treats folliculitis as well.  Folliculitis looks alot like acne but doesn't extract quite like acne; and benzoyl peroxide will do nothing for it.  Alot of people will have both folliculitis and acne, so it's nice to have a product that addresses both.


Here's a post on my blog about folliculitus along with a picture so you can recognize it if you don't know what it looks like.


Blog about Folliculitis

Tags: acne, folliculitis, mandelic

Views: 1315

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for sharing!  I like your blog, just added it to my bookmark tab!
Would you mind sharing your source for Mandelic? I did some quick research, it seems awesome!
I have my own line of products including four strengths of mandelic.  We wholesale to estheticians/nurses who take our training via our dvd. 

Celina Porter said:
Would you mind sharing your source for Mandelic? I did some quick research, it seems awesome!

Wow I never would have thought about folliculitis on the face...makes total sense though.  I love your blog!  Some great information here...I will probably be linking to you from my blog in the future when I do acne posts.


I need to learn more about mandelic as well.  We didn't learn anything about it in school at all.  I would like more information about your training DVD and product line.

Yes, folliculitis fooled me for years!  I thought I was just dealing with super-resistant acne.  It made such a difference to learn how to treat it.


Here's a link to my training - you can see the first chapter here -Proven Strategies for Treating Acne
Rachael Pontillo said:

Wow I never would have thought about folliculitis on the face...makes total sense though.  I love your blog!  Some great information here...I will probably be linking to you from my blog in the future when I do acne posts.


I need to learn more about mandelic as well.  We didn't learn anything about it in school at all.  I would like more information about your training DVD and product line.

Thank you!  I will check it out.  I'm always looking for quality continuing ed opportunities!

Laura Cooksey said:

Yes, folliculitis fooled me for years!  I thought I was just dealing with super-resistant acne.  It made such a difference to learn how to treat it.


Here's a link to my training - you can see the first chapter here -Proven Strategies for Treating Acne
Rachael Pontillo said:

Wow I never would have thought about folliculitis on the face...makes total sense though.  I love your blog!  Some great information here...I will probably be linking to you from my blog in the future when I do acne posts.


I need to learn more about mandelic as well.  We didn't learn anything about it in school at all.  I would like more information about your training DVD and product line.

I love mandelic acid and use it a lot in my practice. Laura's right, it's a multi-tasking, non-irritating active ingredient. Worth a look if you treat problem skin.
Not if you don't join the discussion and tell us what is special about it.  Otherwise your post just looks like spam to me.

Would you be willing to tell me what a gentle intermediate is?


Also, my experience of 100% natural and organic can mean coconut oil and cocoa butter both of which are highly comedogenic.


What active ingredients in your line serve as the antimicrobial? 



what potency does it have to be to have this effect?


What active ingredients in your line serve as the antimicrobial?

Not to hi-jack the conversation here, but I checked out the Delizioso Skincare website and do not see an anti-acne product line listed. Is it not yet released? Furthermore, I would like to add that I support organic and natural skin care ingredients but Laura is absolutely right that just because something is natural/organic does not mean that it won't clog pores. For example, I saw on the ingredients for one of your products indicated for oily skin that it contains both avocado and olive oils, both of which are highly comedogenic ingredients. People with oily skin should not use comedogenic ingredients like that ever, whether they are acne-prone or not. Just my 2 cents.
What active ingredients in your line serve as the antimicrobial?


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