I tried the dermafile on a client, while she was steaming with a SS enyme masque yesterday, and she had a large, round scar on her lower cheek that she was concerned about. She wrote me today and said this: "scratched an area in a line under where that round scar was on my left cheek - there's redness and skin missing in multiple spots. It doesn't hurt, but it is a large area - it looks kind of like a rug burn or like when you use a pumice stone to remove skin. Should I put something on it?"


HELP!!! What do I do to calm the situation down??? (besides already apologizing to her and telling her I would seek more information as to what she can do to heal this.)

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I do not use the cover, I have no need to and to be honest, not sure what it is for, another salon I go to for my needs(lol) does not either.

I also do not use stainless steel applicators, I use regular wooden applicators, sometimes I use what looks like a spatula, it is hard plastic type material, I use that for legs, but once in a while.

Thanks, Jeannine, I am going to take the plunge & order it plus its on sale.

What plastic spatula? Where do you purchase it?

The spatula I got it at the Phila Show a few years ago, I think Lori Nestor, aka the waxing queen sells it, have you heard of her?

Google her name, it is not made for Nufree but I use it anyway, it is larger for large areas.

Yes. I have heard of her. Thank you so much for all your help. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

Hi Jennine, do you use nu free on all parts of the body???does it leave your fair red head clients really red???

Hi Denise!

I honestly don't have many red heads right now, however, I have in the past and did brows and lips and had no problems with redness on the skin.

Not sure how much you know about the system, the heater only heats up to 98.6, so it does not get too hot. The erase lotion helps to calm down the skin as well as the Finipil lotion that Nufree makes. It is a great cream that pulls heat out of the skin along with a very long list of what it will do.

I also on my very sensitive clients use a product called Azulene Oil, it is blue, I get it at Sally Beauty or Cosmoprof, it is made by another waxing system, not sure of the name, the one that is like a roller. It is a thin oil, I know that doesn't sound right but it is on the thinner side, it is blue in color, I put that on if they are very sensitive after for sure and also before again if they are really sensitive, YES you can put this on and still wax, just a little on blot it then wax.

Some tricks I have learned along the way.

Hope this helps, any Q's please feel free to send them my way ;)

Thank u so much, for years i have used satin smooth and it worked well, however i will be changing to another location, and my clients are more sensitive and thinner skin, n wanted to try another wax system, hows this wax on brazilians have u had any lifting??

Satin Smooth, that is the maker of the Azulene oil I always keep on hand.

The only time I have experienced lifting of the skin is on the brow when the client Failed to tell me they were using a product with a retin a.

I do a ton of Brazilians and rarely have any problems, redness, normal. sometimes a client especially their first time may get some whithead type bumps but they go away. I as far as I know have not seen or gotten feedback that skin lifted in that area.

I encourage you to watch the Nufree video  to get the hang of the system, it takes a little practice but it is great to work with.

do you have clients that the hair is thick n course, (brazilian) and does this  wax remove with no problem, do you apply finipil right after??? When i went to the NY show they were not there i was looking for them. I am having a problem with mens brazilian dont know which wax co would work without irritating the skin n also mens backs n chest i tried it and my client got so! red. any suggestions 

Men's brazilian, wow you are daring, I don't do that and will not. Just mens back and chest, brows, ears, etc.. But that's it!! a little lower than the back is the lowest.....

I use this on every brazilian I do, thin, thick, coarse, thin.....

I have no problems, maybe slight irritation after but I think that would be with any wax system.

I usually do apply finipil after to take out any heat and calm the skin for the client. I always use the erase lotion first, that removes any excess wax, the finipil is just a soothing cream.

I have never had a problem with this on men's back. I don't have any men doing chest at the moment, so I can't say.

Aesthetics Complete here in PA(King of Prussia to be exact) is who distributes it and answers any questions or concerns I have, they are always at the Phila Show in October. Not sure if Nufree themselves are, but I have called Nufree many times asking for guidance.

They have a facebook page and I see them doing trainings in salons recently.

just started doing brazilian for men dont get many but i will be moving to a another area, so i hope i do because alot of people dont do it. It really is not bad once you know how to keep the skin taunt. I will be at the philly show this show hope they have a lot of venders. i could not go last time cause the storm we had here. thank you for the info 

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